Red dots on the body like moles

Red dots on the body like moles

Many of us on the body there are red dots, externally similar to moles. They can be different in shape, size and, as a rule, do not bother. What do these formations on the skin mean? What are the reasons for their occurrence?

Red dots on the body, like moles - what is it?

Red moles (angioma) are benign neoplasms on the skin caused by a circulating disorder of a circulatory or lymphatic system. These are visible through the skin, weakened vessel walls, which, due to the cluster of blood in them, are protruding in the form of a red droplet or a crimp. The greater the extension of the vessel, the larger the size of the angioma (from 0.5 mm to 3-5 cm in diameter).

All angiomas are divided into two groups:

  • Hemangiomas - education that develop from blood vessels.
  • Lymphangiomas are formed from lymph.

Gemangioma types:

  • Capillary hemangioma. Mountain of the crimson color. The location of its localization can be any part of the body. It is found in 95% of cases.
  • Cavernous (cavernoy). It is a reddish-blue spongy formation with a cavity filled with blood. The cavernous hemangioma is rare, most often occurs on the face, the scalp, and has an unattractive view due to extensive localization.
  • Branched. From the epicenter of the mole filled with blood, branched formations (capillaries) are departed.
  • Point - small red dots.

Causes of the appearance of red moles on the body

According to physicians, the main factor in the emergence of red dots on the body is the heredity associated with the pathology of the vascular development. Angioma can suddenly appear at any age, and red formations are often observed in children. It is connected with hormonal changes that occur in the children's body during its growth.

Frequent reasons for the appearance of hemangioma in adults are:

  • Violations of the gastrointestinal tract, liver work;
  • Hormonal failure (menopause, pregnancy in women);
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Skin pigmentation caused by excessive stay in the sun, in solarium
    Violation of lipid metabolism.

Do I need to remove red moles?

Basically, the red dots appearing on the body are not dangerous and do not cause discomfort. This is only a body signal for help. In the event that angioma causes painful sensations, Zudit, sharply changes the form and increases in size, then an additional examination of this neoplasm is required, followed by a surgical path.

The red moles that are in contact with clothing are of great danger. Mechanical damage to capillary hemangioma can cause bleeding. Also are subject to removal of their moles located in the hair part of the head, since there is a chance of its damage when combing, hair haircut.

Angioma removal methods

There are several safe and painless methods of getting rid of unwanted moles on the body that offers modern medicine.

  1. Laser removal. It is the most common method that allows you to remove the neoplasm of any complexity in a short time. Before carrying out the procedure, the place of removal of angioma is subject to anesthesia. The manipulation itself lasts a few seconds. After 2-3 weeks, an imperceptible scar remains instead of angioma on the body.
  2. Carbon dioxide cavity. Effective method for removing small surface capillary formations.
  3. Cryodestruction or freezing with nitrogen. Used for surface moles that do not affect deep skin layers.
  4. Surgical excision. Deleting moles by surgical intervention is provided in hospital conditions without hospitalization. The lack of the method is the presence of scars and scars after healing.

The feasibility and method of removing the Red Molenia defines only the doctor. Before surgical intervention is appointed, the diagnosis of skin education is carried out to eliminate the likelihood of the development of a malignant tumor.

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