How to get rid of guilt

How to get rid of guilt

Guilt - eats us from within the state, which gives a great spiritual discomfort. Sometimes it hurts us on the merits, but sometimes we do cheat yourself. The article tells how to get rid of the oppressive feeling.

How to get rid of feelings of guilt - the impact of external factors

To get rid of guilt is necessary to understand whether there is for that experience. It happens that the cause of concern to us is false remorse. Consider this example: you are sitting on public transport, a tired return to school or work. Rises elderly grandmother, which you do not give in place. Surrounding people perceive this critical situation and make your comments. You begin to torment the guilt. In such a situation it is very important to identify the cause. Are you tired and very you are not obliged give way, so guilt in this case false triggered by external factors (remark).

Remember that an outsider does not have to approve of everything you do or quality. Each person is different, everyone has their own principles. What is normal for you to another may seem strange. There is nothing wrong, do not blame yourself for that.

So, always analyze the external factors, which may cause a false sense of guilt.

How to get rid of the guilt - internal factors

Guilt can also be triggered by domestic factors, such as existing associations, internal principles, false speculation.

Consider this example: a student from a dysfunctional family feels guilt towards my parents for not providing financial support for the family. This is a situation where the guilt is not due to proceeds from a particular situation, and got the inside speculations of the individual. Speculation, along with other internal factors often cause false guilt. What can a student? After all, he learns, he gnaws granite science and the fact that in parallel to work time may simply not be missed.

So, always analyze the internal factors, which may cause false guilt.

How to get rid of feelings of guilt - to recognize and apologize

One of the most effective ways to get rid of guilt is an apology. When clearly it is clear that you have offended someone or did something wrong, just apologize. Apologies to help more at least neutralize the situation and make it clear to the person that you really are not indifferent to what had happened.

How to get rid of the guilt - spiritual evolution

If you feel guilty before him for those or other negative qualities of the soul, it is worth considering about personal advancement. Think about what it is that very immoral characteristic that is not consistent with your principles and begin to change for the better. Grow mentally exert willpower to resist the qualities for which you will be ashamed.

How to get rid of feelings of guilt - not change the past

What happened, it happened. If you are ashamed of the acts committed in the past, stop thinking about them with a critical perspective. Rate reasons for committing the act, and try not to allow more of this. Learn from your mistakes.

How to get rid of the guilt for others

If your partner does wrong things despite your advice and warnings, you have nothing to reproach myself. Each person independently manages its own life and decide what action to perform, so for his actions he is responsible for himself.

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