How to change your character

How to change your character

Character can be changed. Do not believe those who say it is impossible to do it! All in your hands. Do not seek to become perfect for everyone, be universal for yourself! Be versatile. From time to time it is nice to be sociable and open, and sometimes it is better to keep the tongue for your teeth, turn into a "melchune". Simple tips will help you to become a way of self-improvement.

How to change your character - Start with books and their heroes

Read books on psychology that will inspire you to change. Consider that this is your gasoline. You need to "lubricate" the mechanisms so that they work. Pay attention to how the life of the heroes of books changed, after they changed their character. Do you want the same? So what's up?

How to change your character. Not Coat yourself idol

Yes, "not" is crossed out. You need idiot if you do not have an idea what you want to be. You see that your girlfriend has many friends, people are drawn to her, her name is to the parties, she has a lot of fans. Do you think it is wonders or witchcraft? No, simple psychology. This person knows how to pick up the key to any door. Follow her and learn any trifles.

How to change your character - something we lose, and I get

Start with elementary things. Refuse to alcohol for a whole year and replace it with sports. Drag out of your life what spoils you. It trains the power of the will and will help you to be stricter to yourself.

How to change your character - systematize

You need to start a notebook. Write down to start, what would you like to change in your character. On the contrary, write what you will help change it. If you do not know, put the question mark opposite and set aside for later. First, follow the items that you by power. Each success mark in notebook.

How to change your character - change your character through good

There are a lot of bad things in this world. You do not change them all. Organize the collection of funds to buy things to children from the orphanage, visit the old people in the nursing home with your friends, talk with the elderly. Look at your life with other eyes. One thing to know about problems in society, and another thing is to watch them eyes. It temits and changes in nature.

To change your character, you need a whole life. To change your character, you need to work on yourself daily. To change your character, you need to understand why you need it?

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