What is Placebo.

What is Placebo.

Placebo for medical concepts - is a harmless substance that does not heal, but the therapeutic effect is obtained by auto-suggestion, in short, a placebo - a dummy. Learn more about the placebo, and look at how this happens.

What is a placebo?

To start put all on the "shelves". Medicine is traditional and alternative.
With traditional medicine, we constantly face. This - doctor visit followed by administration of tablets, injections, operations.

With alternative medicine in everyday life are also common:

  • wise woman
  • Psychics
  • holy water
  • prayers
  • Homeopathy
  • Acupuncture

Alternative medicine can help cure a disease, or may not help, it all depends on the person of suggestion, from the belief that treatment will help. And if this treatment has helped, then it turns out quackery in placebo effect.

How does a placebo?

The placebo effect in medicine has long been known. Back in the 19th century in Russia, the doctor Mudrov MJ effectively treated people powders, which after his death was an ordinary chalk.

In the terminology of medicine "placebo" has entered American doctor Henry Beecher in 1955. He succeeded during the Second World War, when the drug was not enough, during the operation, instead of stabbing morphine with saline solution, and people believed that he was numb, and it really reduces pain .

How does the placebo - no one knows, but there are general patterns:

  • Two pills are better than one.
  • Much better than a small pill.
  • Bitter medicine more effective than sweet.
  • Bright packaging drugs better than faded.
  • Expensive pills work better than cheap.
  • Children more believe in the placebo effect than adults.
  • Famous doctor offering medication better than obscure.
  • Very impressive look pill, if it says anything.
  • American and Russian longer believe in the efficacy of injections and droppers, residents of Western Europe - capsules.
  • The greatest effect is achieved by placebo in the treatment of depression.
  • There are cases that the patient knows about medicine dummy, but it still takes - and cured.

So now we know that the placebo - it's not cheating, and confirmation that our body has hidden features.

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