Why dream of a big snake?

Why dream of a big snake?

If you dream of a big snake, it is likely that the meaning of your dreams is associated with bearing down on your problems and feelings with which you face in everyday life.

According to the classical theory of Freudian psychoanalysis, the snake, which I saw in a dream, it is a phallic symbol, which can refer to a male figure, male energy or the way you express your sexuality. However, this interpretation of sleep options for the snake does not end there. To fully understand the meaning of dreams, you need to look deeper into the interpretation of this interesting character.

The snake as a symbol of

To begin to interpret a dream in which you see a snake, you need to know the most common values \u200b\u200bassociated with snakes in dreams:

  • The snake - a symbol of the unconscious
  • The snake or serpent indicates that you are in the process of healing and problem solving
  • The snake is the symbol of the unexplored parts of ourselves or unused resource
  • Snakes may be your intuition or spiritual aspects of himself; those are your instincts that are born from the depths of your soul
  • The snake or serpent is usually appear in dreams during times of transition and transformation
  • From the classical Freudian point of view, the serpent or snake - it is a phallic symbol

As a rule, the snake, which I saw in a dream means that you are dealing with a difficult situation or emotional anxiety while awake. On the positive side of this analysis dream Prisno snake can also mean that there is a healing and transformation. The snake may appear in your dreams as the animal spirit or totem, giving guidance on choosing the right direction in life and opportunities for healing.

How to decipher the meaning of a dream about a snake?

  1. Look at the total value of the dream.
  2. Move the elements of your sleep into meaningful clues to help the interpretation of dreams.
  3. Connect the story of your sleep with daily life.

If you know how to interpret your dream, you will be able to find ways to solve problems and promote personal growth. Like a snake that attacks when he feels threatened, the presence of snakes in your dream symbolizes the awakening call to evaluate concerns about your own feelings or threatening situation in real life.

Analysis of the key moments of the dream

  • If you feel fear, when you see a snake in a dream, this indicates that your problem is the fear of the unknown or uncertainty in their lives.
  • When the presence of a snake in a dream is a neutral or friendlyThis means that the approach to the fears or concerns with confidence. This is an indication that the healing takes place.
  • If you dream predatory snakeIt can mean the negative aspects associated with these animals, such as worries, fears or concerns about something that goes out of control.
  • If you dream manual snakeIt can talk about the possibility of healing and positive change in your life.
  • When you fighting with a snake, This means that you resist change, can not make a decision or struggling with feelings in real life. Also, this dream can symbolize the struggle for power in your intimate relationships or at work.
  • If the snake chasing you,it means that you are faced with a frightening situation in your life that haunts you. Or emotions that you were driven into or tried to suppress, back to you.
  • A dream in which you were attacked by a snake, may urge you to explore the difficult situations in your life and how to deal with them.
  • If you dream you bitten by a snake, This means that you need to pay attention to what you are shunned because it was too difficult or inconvenient.
  • If snake spits on you their poison, This suggests that there is a negative impact, which is difficult to handle in your life. It can symbolize a "poisonous" relationships or backbiting and gossip around you.
  • Speaking with a snake, You demonstrate your desire to understand themselves and the world. This indicates that you are open for the mystical nature of the information.
  • If between you and the snake there is a dialogue, or if the snake says in his sleep, This means that your talents are realized and you open up new opportunities in life.

Contact your dream to reality

Here tips for interpreting dreams, to help you analyze your sleep. The general method of interpretation is to combine the attributes belonging to the animal, which you dreamed with situations in your real life and your personality aspects. You may find that your sleep, as well as in everyday life the following general characteristics of snakes there.

  • snakes - wild Animals that can not be taught. They can not be controlled.

Interpretation: Do you look, you feel now such feelings or are in a situation which is so felt in your real life. See if you pay attention to the unexplored part of you that needs more space for self-expression and harmonious development.

  • snakes unpredictable. They tend to be surprised; they appear suddenly and disappear just as quickly as they appeared.

Interpretation: if you can associate these qualities with the fear that causes you to your own behavior when you find yourself in a difficult situation?

  • They primarily cause disgust and fear in people.

When the snakes and people meet, there danger, the snake attacks, mainly occurs as a reaction to fear or feel threatened.

  • snakes move close to the ground and are connected to the ground.

Interpretation: feel your own connection to the land; Do you feel the ground, standing feet on the ground or not; how you relate to your original instincts.

  • Snake resets your skin when they grow up, leaving behind the old in the process of transformation.

Interpretation of the symbols: snakes - great characters for personal transformation; see what changes in your life or in you or what you hope to change or leave behind in order to move on.

  • snakes poisonous, The poison can be deadly when they bite.

Interpretation of the symbols: death or the fear of death in his sleep should not be taken literally. It often symbolizes the death of the old and the opportunity to leave what you no longer need. It could also mean the loss of something or someone who was important to you.

  • they have antidote to their own poison.

Interpretation: often a difficult situation - it is also an opportunity to discover something new and take advantage of the opportunity. See how it relates to your life right now.

Snake symbol in myths and traditions of different peoples

The symbolism of the dream of a snake in the first place has to do with the personal life of the dreamer. But because the snake is an iconic symbol in many traditions and cultures, on interpretation of a dream about a snake may also affect the broader sense given the way in one or another nation.

V judeo-Christian tradition the serpent tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. The image is painted with negative connotations and is a symbol of temptation, sin and evil.

V hindu tradition Lord Shiva wears a snake around his neck as a symbol of control over the forces of darkness and temptation. It also symbolizes the Kundalini energy - the life force.

V greek mythology there Medusa Gorgon, looking like a woman with snake hair, which can turn to stone those who look at her. According to psychoanalytic theory, it is a symbol of castration or repressed sexual energy.

another popular greek myth of Asclepius, the Greek god of healing and medicine, which made the snake a symbol of healing. The rod of Asclepius is a subject which we know as the caduceus, the symbol of modern medicine. In our dreams, it is a possibility of healing.

Feathered Serpent to aztec South America is a symbol of the creator of life.

When you dream of a snake, you can try to interpret the dream to contribute to the positive changes in your life. A dream in which a snake takes part, can be a coin with two sides: every negative feeling in a dream, such as anxiety, fear, anxiety or confusion, it is possible to implement into something positive that will serve you in your real life.



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