What dreams familiar guy?

What dreams familiar guy?

Dreams about another person can mean various things depending on the situation and the circumstances of sleep. Interpretation of sleep in which you saw a friend guy will depend on both the symbols surrounding it and from the current circumstances of your life.

If you dreamed of the guy to which you feel feelings

  • When you dream a specific person, especially the one you feel feelings, you need to focus more on other sleep symbols, because your friend can represent several different aspects or people in your life. It may be a friend, an enemy, lover, a companion or a symbol of any of the above in emotions. However, if he threatens you with physical violence, consider it a warning of your subconscious and carefully look at this person in reality, perhaps you are dealing with the aggressor, and your subconscious mind, considering non-verbal signals when communicating, elevation of the hazard in the shape of a dream.
  • Dreams with the participation of lovers may include several different emotions, creating an echo of what you are experiencing in real life. These dreams often show the main feelings, emotions or fears that you have in a relationship, or, perhaps, displays your fight with your feelings in certain situations. Dreams will help reveal fears about the future or identify the fixation of the past.

Sleep events in which your guy takes part

  • If in a dream your boyfriend is dead, it can symbolize your thoughts that the relationship is dead and ended. It may also mean that you feel stagnant in relationships; Your needs and feelings are not recognized or prohibited. Also, this dream may mean that you spoil the relationship yourself, because I unconsciously want to break them.
  • If the guy throws you in a dream, it may mean that some aspects of your life do not help you and even interfere with achieving new goals. If you continue to sleep, another guy appears, it foreshadows new situations and aspects that will be useful and favorable for you.
  • If your guy in a dream is loving and kind, it means that you subconsciously believe that you are a person worthy to be loved. This is a kind of method of your subconscious confirm love for yourself.
  • If in a dream you enter into relationships with another person, it means that the "sleep guy" does what you would like to make your real young man. You must try to talk to your favorite about these desired changes.
  • If you see in a dream that your guy has changed sexual orientation or that he does not love you, this dream expresses a sense of uncertainty in your relationship. Also sleep may mean that your relationship is moving in the new direction, and you are experiencing anxiety and fear because of these changes.

Dream former guy

  • Dreams about the former beloved mean that previous relationships remained unfinished, or the real relationships do not satisfy you. A former guy can be a symbol of hopes and the desire of the love you are crazy and which the current relationship does not give you.
  • Also, a dream about the former guy may mean that a certain problem returned or a bad habit. It can be your subconscious, warning you about what should be abandoned from the bad habit, which, like your former young man, you do not need.
  • If dreams about the former guy often pursue you, it means a strong desire for something that you can not have. Other, the simplest explanation of frequent dreams about the former can be that you have strong feelings for it, or that your current guy reminds you of former, in a positive or negative key.

In general, dreams of your guy may be a reflection of your feelings for it and the nature of relationships. If the dream looks like a nightmare more, then you must thoroughly think about your relationship. If in a dream you are happy and everything is fine, it means that you are satisfied with how things are going and should not worry. In any case, the dreams of loved ones express our feelings to them in one form or another.

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