What do the lines on hand

What do the lines on hand

The lines on the hand have long aroused the interest of a person. Even those who do not believe in the definition of fate with their help involuntarily pay attention to these marks. Analysis of lines on hand and wrists is engaged in special esoteric science - chiromantia. There are many lines: those that are immediately visible, and those to which you need to look. But there is a major set of tags that are analyzed more often than others.

What kind of hand to choose for analysis?

Specialists argue that they can tell different facts from life, only looking at the hands of a person. At first, the hand is analyzed, which is a basic person. The right hand is analyzed right hand. The lines on it will indicate what was purchased throughout the way, what turns are coming, from which it should be abandoned, and what, on the contrary, let into account in your life.

Marks on the second hand (right-handers are left hand) will indicate those traits that were given from birth. If you make a comparative analysis between the results obtained on the same hand, you can purchase much more information and give a more accurate characteristic.

Basic labels and their interpretation

There is a system of labels that are considered basic. These include lines:

  1. life;
  2. hearts;
  3. mind;
  4. fate;
  5. health;
  6. marriage.

There are still hills and "bracelets", which also told a lot.

Life line: Popular label

Each person has an idea what the line of life looks like. She framed the thumb from the rest of the palm. It has long been said that she counts the years that are allocated to a person that is not accurate information.

This label indicates the amount of vital energy, physical and spiritual power. These indicators automatically affect the number of years that are destined to live.

In contrast to other lines, this read is not at the bottom up, but with at the top to bottom. If in some places it is split or forms a "trident", then in this life stage obstacles, certain failures or complexity are possible.

Heart Line: Analyzing Emotions

The upper castle from the three main clear marks is the heart line. It indicates the ability to show emotions, love and be successful in this. The mark begins from the edge of the palm near the little finger and ends approximately between the middle and the index finger.

There are two types of such a line:

  1. physical;
  2. spiritual.
  • The first option has a rounded look and ends between the middle and index finger (or on one of them). Such a line characterizes a person who is capable of even after many love experiences to overcome failures. Such people love to speak.
  • The heart line is not rounded and directly crosses the palm. It is characteristic of the vain and sensitive person who is experiencing emotions in himself.
  • Mark, which crush this line, are the fact of emotional imbalances, separation and separation.
  • When there is a feature near the heart line, which duplicates it, then this is a sign of a double concern for a partner, great love and adoration.

Line Um

It is possible to determine the mental abilities and the principle of thinking by studying this mark. The line of mind shows how much a person is capable of, the breadth of his thinking and freed by him.

Ideally, such a feature should not be interrupted if it happens, then during this period a person is not in Lada with his thinking.

When the line crosses the palm straight, it characterizes the person who first thinks, and then will do. If the line goes at an angle, then a person with a good imagination, freedom, and has a creative start.

The beginning of this label has a lot of characterizes:

  1. contact with a line of life - rationality and practicality prevails;
  2. beginning of life - independence and freedomism;
  3. inside the line of life - uncertainty and stiffness.

The longer marks, the one-sided, intelligent and insightful person. The clarity of the line indicates a passion for deep reflections, and its weakness is to the love of rapid decisions, without long thought.


Fate Line: Secrets and Riddles

  • This line is considered the most mysterious. She is not present at all and can tell a lot if it skillfully decipher it. This is the main solution to the fate of a person, its foreseen and analysis.
  • If there is still such a line, it should cross the palm vertically, starting from the edge and ending with a nameless or middle finger.
  • Her presence talks about the vocation of a person.

Health Line

This note begins from the little finger and follows to the base of the palm. A good sign is considered when it is not. Such people have strong health and strong immunity. If such a line is still available, then this is not a reason to worry. It may indicate those diseases that are subject to man.

An unkind familiar will be the connection of this label with a line of life, especially when the health line is much clearer. But in this case, you should not be discouraged: A clear line of health speaks of good potential and the ability to make money.

Marriage line

These small dashes can talk about the quantities of love relationships, marriages and parting. In this case, we are talking about emotional relations, and not about printing in the passport, because civil marriage is actively practiced in the modern world.

If the line is clear and deep is a marriage, and weaker strips indicate a love relationship.

When the feature is interrupted, it predicts a gap or a divorce at all. If it comes to the heart line, it may indicate the death of a partner.

What do bracelets talk about wrist?

Additionally, you can tell about the person on the lines on the wrist - "bracelets". We usually numbered 3, but there are 4 lines, then this person will be a long-liver.

  • The first line characterizes health, the second is a financial condition, and the third is love.
  • All of them must be clear and not interrupted. Any change of their change talks about the difficulties and the peripetias.
  • If the first "bracelet" in the form of a chain, then this indicates a constant work that a person will have to make to achieve success.
  • If the additional lines on this notice form a triangle is a sign of glory, success and financial well-being.

Chiromantia is not officially recognized and is not considered a full-fledged science, so if you believe these signs - the case of everyone. If alarm characters are detected on the palm, you should not take it as this. The man is the Creator of his fate and only him to know how to arrange it in the best way.


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Lika Yaroslavovna 25/11/2018 at 18:30

Super article. Really liked that there are visual photos

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