You think that we are deprived of a sense of humor - not trouble! Miscer friends, invent funny jokes, be witty and interesting person can absolutely each. The ability to joke perfectly develops, for this you will need only your desire. Funny expressions, successful phrases and jokes spoken, make you with a soul of any company. You will be easier to solve your affairs, and people will strive to communicate with you.
How to learn how to joke - joke design
There are special techniques for constructing jokes that use scripts and authors-humorists. If their use allows you to make thousands of people, then they will be useful for you.
- Witness of absurdity. It is laid in a situation that contradicts common sense. It is also called unintended or unexpected wit. So, atheist at the end of his lecture said such a phrase "to the question, whether God exists, you should answer positively:" Yes, there is no God! "" This form of wit is most often used in the literature. The most famous phrase from Chekhov's story "This cannot be, because this can never be." Until now, it is considered a winged and often comes from our mouth.
- Empathy. Speaking, it should be pretending that you know the motives and feelings of the interlocutor well, but at the same time make absurd statements. For example: "I immediately realized that your gust would become a boss - it's just a desire to wear a tie and jacket every day." Or: "I understand that your developed aesthetic taste does not allow you to use the knife and fork."
- Ambiguity. Pay attention to the last replica of a person and snatch words that can have several values \u200b\u200band use them. For example: "This machine works like a clock!" "Of course, like a clock, just left to find out what kind of Swiss or solar". Or so: "What is your name?" - "Yes differently My name is: sometimes quiet, and sometimes loud. "
- Contrast. You must comment on other people's actions or words phrase, which will turn the leg situation on the head, which It will be completely opposite to what you see. For example, your friend raised: "How low you fell!". See a very thin man: "Wow, as you recovered!". The baby was dirty in the mud: "What are you from my purely!". This irony is understandable to everyone and causes only a smile.
How to learn to joke - Rules of good jokes
- Feel the boundaries permitted. Take a weighted solution for each situation separately - offended your joke audience or not, and no matter, you are joking for a TV channel or for 1st man. This means that the borders of decency depends not from you (sometimes such jokes come to mind that they are surprised), and from those with whom you want to share it. For example, if you know that jokes about curioshs from life will not be offended your his Friend, then you can easily joke with him for any topic. Simply put, do not make injections to those who can not answer with sarcasm to sarcasm.
- Use internal themes. There are jokes that are understandable and relevant in a narrow circle of people. The already the audience is, it's easier to joke. You wondered why in small companies Friends all humorists? This is due to the fact that they are united by many topics understandable only to them.
How to learn to joke
Understanding the nature of humor and knowledge of the techniques to create jokes will allow you to create your humor. And without using brought jokes and expressions, and creating their own! Recommended You have a slight exercise that does not take more than 3 minutes and will definitely make you smile.
- Choose 1 Any letter of the alphabet and make a proposal from 10 words in which all words begin In this letter.
- Perform this offer several times with other letters.
- Smile and re-read.
Many people have this exercise causes brain creaking. This is a good indicator - therefore, there are some changes in you, which allows you to open a new viewing angle on the long-habitual things.
Any joke should be told on time and if you still cannot quickly create humorous statements, use ready-made. Select on the Internet jokes and quotes And tell them with a suitable feature. This will allow you to become a soul of the company and the main merblery, so do not ignore this method, it is as very good.