Which products contain chrome

Which products contain chrome

The human body cannot exist with almost all the chemical elements presented in the Mendeleev table. Chrome did not exception and need it just like iron, iodine, copper and others.

According to the estimates of physicians, the lack of chromium in the human body leads to an atypical depression, which is expressed in the following:

  • Long fatigue;
  • Constant drowsiness;
  • Tract for sweet.

The latter, by the way, leads to excessive obesity. It has been proven that the lack of chromium in the human body, ill-friendly diabetes, worsens its condition several times.

Research suggests that today by using more refined (strongly purified) products, a person gets only 30 micrograms (μg) chromium per day. This indicator is very low, and it needs to be artificially increased. How? Meeting food rich in chrome. Most of all 100 grams of chromium product are found in fish: tuna - 90 μg, washing, mackerel, zubatka, flounder, salmon, crucian and carp - 55 μg. Also a lot of chromium (55 μg) in shrimp.

A sufficient chromium is present in beef and its sub-products:

  • Liver - 35 μg;
  • Kidney and heart - 30 μg;
  • Language - 20 μg;
  • Meat - 10 μg.

The chicken is also rich in chrome - especially chicken trees and breasts (20 μg). And in chromium chicken eggs and more - 25 μg.

In addition to beef and chicken, there is a chrome in pork - 15 μg, in turkey - 11 μg, in lamb - 9 μg, in a rabbit - 8 μg.

From chromium vegetable foods most of all in broccoli - 22 μg per 100 grams of product, in beets - 20 μg, in peaches - 14 μg, in champignons - 13 μg, in potatoes and beans - 10 μg, in radish, radish, lentil - 11 μg. There is a chrome in Cherry - 7 μg, in sweet pepper, ground cucumbers and white mushrooms - 6 μg, in tomatoes and white cabbage - 5 μg.

Cereals containing enough chromium per 100 grams of product:

  • Corn cereals - 22 μg;
  • Pearl cereals - 13 μg.

Using these products every day, you can hope that the chrome in the body will be normal. But there is one "but" - some other products do not give chrome to assimilate. This is purified sugar, wheat flour of fine grinding and carbonated drinks. Instead of white sugar, eat brown, instead of the highest grade bread - bread of coarse grinding, and instead of carbonated drinks - natural juices.

In order to compile a balanced daily diet, you need to know the necessary organism for the daily dose. So:

  • Men over 18 years old - 60-70 μg;
  • Women over 18 years old - 50 μg;
  • Athletes - 120-200 μg;
  • Pregnant women - 100-120 μg;
  • Teens 14-18 years old - 35 μg;
  • Children 11-14 years old - 25 μg;
  • Children 3-11 years - 15 μg;
  • Kids 1-3 years old - 11 μg.

Now, knowing the chromium content in the main food and its daily need, you can easily calculate how many of this or that product you need to consume during the day.

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