Apple vinegar - benefit and harm how to take

Apple vinegar - benefit and harm how to take

Apple vinegar is a very popular healing agent in naturopathy. Its useful properties are known for many centuries and are successfully used to treat common diseases. Let's consider the use of apple vinegar, the method of its use at home and a number of contraindications.

Apple Vinegar - Mineral Composition and Properties

Vinegar made on the basis of apples is widely known among adherents of proper nutrition and traditional medicine. It is a natural source of mineral salts, vitamins and acids necessary for the full work of the whole organism. Its production is very simple and based on the fermentation of an apple meakty under the influence of acetic microorganisms. At the same time, there are completely lack of additives of synthetic origin.

The composition of the vinegar passes most of the nutrients from apples:

  • Iron - the basis of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, whose synthesis prevents the development of anemia.
  • Calcium - regulates the distribution of nerve impulses and the contractile properties of the muscles, strengthens the bone tissue.
  • Pectins and enzymes - help the gastrointestinal tract to actively absorb useful substances and recycle heavy food.
  • Salonic acid is an important element in the digestive chain.
  • Beta carotene - antioxidant capable of neutralizing harmful radicals.
  • Potassium - strengthens the heart muscle, the musculoskeletal system.

Apple Vinegar - Benefits for Health and Beauty

This vinegar is a product of natural biochemical fermentation, so it is completely absorbed and digested in the body.

What is useful to vinegar from apples:

  • Positive affects weakened immunity.
  • Normalizes the learning process of fats.
  • Improves eyesight, especially with poor visibility in the dark.
  • Supports the acid-alkaline medium in the body.
  • Capably rapidly lower cholesterol.
  • In combination with honey, if you take on one teaspoon of these ingredients, completely replenishes the daily need of vitamins.
  • Helps to pacify the increased appetite and promotes weight loss.
  • It has a light anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect.

Apple Vinegar - Contraindications and Harm

This product is useful exclusively in small doses and, subject to the absence of such health problems:

  • Pathology of the GTS, accompanied by an increase in acidity.
  • Diseases of the kidneys
  • Hepatitis.
  • Gallgame pathology.

Application of apple vinegar for the purpose of rehabilitation

The method of use of vinegar depends on the present disease:

  • With varicose veins - you need to rub vinegar into the affected sections of the feet twice a day.
  • With novel fungus - it takes every 4 hours to lubricate the nail plates for at least 1 month.
  • In the food poisoning - the cleansing disinfectant enema is made. To do this, 3 tbsp by 2.5 liters of warm water. l. Apple vinegar.
  • In heart disease - prepares infusion of 2 tbsp. l. Dry grassy herbs and 300 ml of apple vinegar. Both ingredients are placed in dark utensils and insist 12 hours. You need to take 4 times a day for 1 tsp. infusion divided into a glass of water from 1 tsp. Honey.
  • With hemorrhoids - in the apple vinegar (not diluted), the gauze tampon is wetted and applied to hemorrhoidal cones until complete drying. Then hemorrhoids are treated with a mixture of wax with propolis (1: 1). The procedure is carried out in the morning and pre-sleep.
  • In the failures of the menstrual cycle - 2 h is accepted daily. Apple vinegar diluted with 0.25 l of water. The course is 30 days.
  • With a bad immunite, 10 ml of apple vinegar is poured into ½ tbsp. Water and drinks. Treatment lasts from 30 days to 2.5 months.

Apple vinegar can be regularly included in its diet, replacing them with synthetic acetic essences. In this way, you can clean the body from accumulated toxins, extend the youth and restore the work of all organs.

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