Schuput is small, up to 3 mm long, flat egg-shaped seeds. The height of the tropical annual sesame plant is about 2 m. After the plant has fallen away, pods are formed, in which 50-100 seeds, matured, are suitable for food.
Another name of sesame - sesame. Self-sesame varieties, therefore, the seeds of its different color: white, black, brown and gray. Whole seeds are added to salads, they sprinkle bread, cookies. From seed seeds, in places of their growing, by pressing, oil make oil, and from the remains - halva (its name is tachin).
Sesame seeds - benefits
The most useful black and brown sesame, and that sesame that is sold in our stores - these are already processed polished seeds, and they have lost a lot of useful properties.
Unprocessed sesame seeds are rich:
- Unsaturated fatty acids.
- Vitamins: E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP.
- Antioxidant sesamine, which helps to destroy cancer in the body.
- Fitosterin and Sitosterin - reduces cholesterol levels, also elements are useful in obesity, atherosclerosis and heart disease.
- Cezamol.
- Microelements: iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, zinc and other elements.
Sesame seeds - Application
The raw raw seuls is useful in case of such diseases:
- Walled diseases and inflammation of the lungs.
- Diseases of the liver and pancreas.
- Hypertension.
- Diseases of the thyroid gland.
- Diseases associated with joints.
If you often use sesame seeds:
- Cholesterol levels decreases.
- Harmful substances from the body are derived.
- Immunity increases.
- Improves the work of the intestine.
This is useful to know:
- From the use of sesame, along with sports, muscles are increasing in men.
- If with a lack of calcium in the body, take 1 tbsp. A spoon of sesame seed a day, the problem will be eliminated.
- The sesame is very useful to women after 45 years, when there are not enough female hormones, these seeds are capable of filling them.
- With long-term storage, due to the large fat content, seed seeds can be patched, so they need to be properly stored: in hermetic dishes, in a dark cold place no more than 1 year. Sesame oil is stored longer, up to 10 years.
- To bring more benefits to the body, sesame seeds in front of the use in the food are dry on a dry frying pan.
- To fry a lot of seeds and storing them torso it is impossible, as they lose their useful properties.
- Sesame seeds need to chew carefully, then they will bring more body benefits.
Sesame seeds - harm
There are seeds you can, but in limited quantities, the daily rate of 2-3 chain. spoons. Especially limiting in such cases:
- Eating a large amount of seeds can provoke miscarriage in pregnant women.
- There are no seeds on an empty stomach, because they can irritate the walls of the stomach.
Contraindicated in the following states of the body:
- Increased acidity of the stomach.
- Stones in the bladder and kidneys.
- Thrombophlebitis.
- High blood clotting.
- Allergies on the sesame.
- Children under 3 years old.
So, we learned the useful properties, damage and use of sesame seeds.