Mustache oil and harm - how to take

Mustache oil and harm - how to take

Mustard oil is often used in cooking, folk healing, soap and cosmetology. This oil takes place in dietary and sports nutrition. Such success of caustic seed oil is justified by the useful qualities and unique taste features. What is the benefit of this product usual for us and how to take it right to get a positive effect?

Mustard oil - chemical composition

This oil contains very necessary fats and essential amino acids, which makes it a very important food product. As well as in sufficient quantities there are antioxidants and immunostimulating compounds that provide the prevention of oncological processes.

The oil includes:

  • Fat-soluble vitamins - tocopherol, vitamin A and D.
  • Water soluble vitamins - RR, B4, K, B6, F.
  • Phytosterols.
  • Phytoncides and a variety of essential oils.
  • Glycosides.
  • Chlorophylls.
  • Mineral complex - magnesium, calcium and iron salts.

Mustard oil - benefit and harm

The multicomponent composition of the oil made of mustard seeds ensures its versatile effect on the human body:

  • The digestive tract - contributes to the full synthesis of enzymes and the normal food digestion process. This property is relevant with pancreatitis and constipation.
  • The liver - the composition of the acid accelerates the selection of bile, stabilize metabolic processes. It is used in cirrhosis, gallstone pathology, hepatitis.
  • Immune system - phytoncides and oils destroy the pathogenic flora, and chlorophylls provide a normal blood formula. This in the complex helps to increase protective functions.
  • Helmintosis - Mustard oil helps "expel" from the body most types of worms.
  • Skin injuries - heals abrasions, cuts, other injuries.
  • Muscular and articular fabric - glycoside accelerates blood flow in the muscles and joints, eliminating swelling, discomfort, pain. It is used in stretching, gout, arthrosis.
  • The heart and vessels - cleans the vessels from cholesterol plates, tones them and strengthens.
  • The reproductive system - helps from infertility from both partners. In men, it makes it easier for prostatitis, improves the composition of sperm.
  • Mestation - Reception during pregnancy provides baby important substances.
  • Children's health - strengthens the bones, supports vision, forms immunity and intelligence.

Despite all the benefits, it is necessary to refrain from using mustard oil in such cases:

  • Pathology of thyroid.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Dermatitis.

Mustard oil in cosmetology

The method of using oil depends on what purpose you use it:

  • Hair mask - Connect the part of the mustard, part of the olive, part of the coconut oil. Apply your head and hair on the skin, wash in 2-4 hours. Mask makes hair durable, shining, and dandruff disappears.
  • Face mask - For the base, take 20 mg of mustard oil for the base, and enrich it with several drops of oil sandals and roses. Apply on the face instead of a moisturizing agent.
  • Nail mask - 10 g of oil and 3 drops of iodine Heat and wipe the nail plates in front of the manicure.

Mustard oil in cooking

Oil can be filling salads, fry pancakes on it, cook sauces. Dishes with it are carried out gentle, delicate, and fresh. Oil extends the shelf life of cooked dishes and does not give mustard. But with this oil you need to be careful because in large quantities it can harm due to the elevated content of essential oils.

Mustard oil in medicine

If you are going to use oil in medicinal purposes inside, you need to drink 1 tsp. Oils three times a day, long. With rheumatic pain or injuries, the oil rubs into painful areas. When ORVI and a cold, you can rub the root oil, the bronchine area, while rinted, you can block a pair of droplets into each nostril.

If you decide to apply mustard oil to strengthen the health or treatment of existing diseases, it is better to consult a family therapist.

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