Hemp oil - benefit and harm how to take

Hemp oil - benefit and harm how to take

Long ago, before 1961, the grade of cannabis oil was used in the food and pharmaceutical industry. In the next period of years, including our days, cannabis is considered a drug and free cultivation is strictly prohibited. Now the ropes are weave from the plant, make cosmetics, used in pharmaceuticals, as a means that in temperate quantities eliminates a person from problems in the body. The natural ingredient is filled with salads, sauces. What secrets is hiding in themselves the forgotten product, you can read in this article.

Hemp oil - use

  • In small doses, the oil is really useful. In ancient times, Chinese medicine has widely used it for the treatment of psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, cooking, such as pellets, bagels. It has in the composition of vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper metabolism, body development, increasing immunity, regeneration. This is iron, potassium, zinc, calcium, proteins, phosphorus, fatty acids.
  • Masks improve the condition of the hair, make them shiny and silky, prevent falling, baldness.
  • It gives the elasticity of skin cover, conducts the regeneration of deadly sections, during regular use slows down the aging processes.
  • It helps in the fight against senile sclerosis, renal failure, osteoporosis, arthritis, any changes in the joints.
  • Lowering cholesterol levels, relieves pain in menstruation, facilitates the well-being of a patient with anemia.
  • Facilitates the onset of climax, minimizes stroke.
  • Provides a tide of energy and vigor, tones.
  • Improves lactation of nursing mothers, reduces the risk of impotence in men, reinforcing passion.

Cannabis oil - harm

  • People who use hemp instead of vegetable oil should be aware that thermal processing (frying, heating) reduces value and even makes it dangerous to health. The temperature increase increases the cancer tumor if it is already in the body.
  • Proper storage gives a pledge long freshness. The content on the table under direct solar rays reduces the shelf life. Therefore, to keep only in a clean glass container in the refrigerator.
  • The product is dangerous to a person with prostate cancer, the failures of the vascular cardiac system, as it dilutes blood.
  • In some people, the use is fraught with diarrhea, pancreatitis.
  • Get the aggravation of the gastrointestinal tract rises if there were problems of this kind.
  • Large doses cause such unpleasant symptoms: nausea, spasms in the stomach.

Cannabis oil - reception

  • Strengthening hair and nails: inside 2 tbsp. In unrefined form, daily for 2-3 weeks.
  • Improved immunity: 1 tbsp. On the hungry stomach, in the morning before meals and in the evening before bedtime, take 3 weeks.
  • In the treatment of avitaminosis: 1 tbsp. 3 times a day after 30 minutes. After eating, duration 3 weeks.
  • Refueling salads and sauces: on average, taking 3-4 tbsp. On a large plate, well mixed. Chlorophyll will give the dish greenish tint. This substance neutralizes the effect of tumors.
  • Outdoor reception in the form of hair masks: Several tablespoons of oils are in roots and combed along the entire length, leave for 2 hours, washed with warm water with shampoo. Repeat a day 1 month.
  • With burns without deep skin damage: hemp oil with egg protein is whipped in deep tanks 1: 1. Next apply a gauze bandage with the healing mass obtained. Keep on an affected skin about 2 hours.
  • With hemorrhoid: cotton swab is wetted in cannabis oil and before bedtime is entered into the rear pass overnight. The duration of application is 1 week.
  • With exacerbations of the radiculitis: rubbed in circular motions in a silent place before the disappearing of symptoms.
  • Clamps with strong constipation: bring the oil to 37 ° C and introduce into the rectum using a small enema by 50-100 ml. If possible, apply for the night in the position lying on the side. Temperature comfort is be sure to break the back of the hand.

As can be seen, hemp oil has two sides of the coin. Before entering into the diet, a sufficient amount of information is necessary in order not to harm its body. The range of use is quite wide, and speaks of an indisputable proven benefit. The recycled plant does not bear the drug danger to a person. The main rule of therapeutic prevention - everything should be in moderation. Only small doses are capable of acting positively, without causing side effects.

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