Want to stop hurting with colds, and also get rid of a number of other diseases? Then on your windowsill must necessarily "settle" aloe. After all, the healing properties of this plant know since ancient times and considered him panacea from many ailment.
Aloe Juice: Use
Aloe juice is recommended to use people who have problems with the stomach, including gastritis and ulcers. People's healers assure that the juice helps to support the immune system of AIDS patients, and is also a powerful assistant in the fight against certain types of cancer.
- aloe juice is a real storehouse of vitamins (B12, B1, B2, B6, C, E);
- improves digestion;
- reduces painful sensations during the exacerbation of ulcers;
- promotes weight loss;
- prevents premature aging;
- increases skin tone;
- will save from acne and acne;
- treats anemia;
- normalize blood sugar levels (helps prevent the development of diabetes);
- improves blood circulation;
- will help to eliminate mimic wrinkles;
- normalizes the work of the nervous system, effectively fights with stress;
- he lies the wounds;
- heals the inflammation of the ovaries, uterus or appendages;
- improves eyesight;
- struggling with a runny nose and chronic rhinitis;
- he treats stomatitis;
- it will help to quickly cure an angina and pharyngitis;
- improves potency.
How to prepare a plant?
To get the maximum benefit from aloe juice, you need to know exactly what part of the plant can be taken and how to prepare them.
- it is necessary to rotate the lowest leaves, they must be fleshy;
- do not water the flower a week before the breakdown of the leaves (and it is better to withstand 15-20 days);
- torn stems to wrap in foil and leave in the refrigerator for 10-14 days;
- pay attention to the leaves, they must be a little bit;
- torn leaves should not be in the light (if they leave them in the daylight even for 20 minutes, the healing properties will decrease).
Stage of cooking juice
Aloe juice can be kept in the refrigerator for a long time, while it will not lose its useful qualities, so it is better to prepare a healing jar of the future.
- 1 stage - get leaves from the refrigerator and rinse thoroughly under boiled, but cooled water;
- Stage 2 - Skip the leaves through the meat grinder;
- 3 Stage - the resulting cleaner to closer in gauze and squeeze juice.
The juicer is better not to use during the preparation of juice, as it can score and fail. The meat grinder can be used both electrical and manual.
Contraindications of juice application
A couple of drops of juice can be added to Morning Fresh or Smoothies, then throughout the working day you will be energetic and feel a tide. But despite the huge benefit, the aloe juice has contraindications. The risk group includes:
- pregnant and little children;
- people who diagnosed hepatitis;
- patients on cholecystitis;
- people who have aggravated with hemorrhoids;
- women in uterine bleeding;
- use juice during chemotherapy passage is prohibited.
Before starting treatment with aloe juice, you must consult with your doctor. Individual intolerance is not excluded, which can cause allergies of different character.