How to make radish with cough honey?

How to make radish with cough honey?

In rainy autumn weather and cold winter help to recover from cough old grandmother's recipes. Radish with honey will help well, it will become an excellent substitute for expectorant drugs. The healing properties of this vegetable and honey are known for a long time. Most often used black radish, but you can take a white or green root.

How to cook radish from cough with honey - useful tips

Before preparing healing tools, note the following tips:

  • To prepare a syrup for children, take the white radish. It is better absorbed by a children's organism;
  • Use lime honey, get a more efficient medicine;
  • Take a mature root or medium-sized root. In young radish, there are fewer components and vitamins that can overcome cough;
  • Choose a vegetable without wormochin and rot;
  • Try to find radish, which was grown in an environmentally friendly area. It will not be pesticides;
  • Cut the center of the root right. It is necessary to cut so that the walls in the thickness are not less than 3 centimeters in it. If the walls are very subtle, then the vegetable will give little juice. And if the walls are very thick - there is not enough space for honey and juice;
  • In one root can add honey to three times to form a new juice. Three days, use a new vegetable;
  • Children give radish with honey three times a day on a teaspoon. Adults take a tablespoon three times a day. Use the means after lunch. The duration of treatment is 10 days, at a minimum.

How to make a black radish from the cough with honey?

  1. Rinse the coarse black radish under running water. Dry and cut off neatly the upper part of the vegetable. Set this part to the side.
  2. Cut the core radish with a sharp knife. Leave thick walls.
  3. Put 4 tbsp into the vegetable obtained in a vegetable. Spoons of honey. Do not lay back honey, otherwise the juice will begin to pour out. Blank upside down on top.
  4. Place a healing tool in a dark place for 12-18 hours. Store at room temperature. Formed in radish juice after the expiration of this time can use.

How to cook from cough with radish white?

The recipe is suitable for the treatment of cough in children. Start giving medicine to the kid on one drop. If he does not have an allergic reaction, increase the dose to a teaspoon per day. Treatment time - no less than five days.


  1. Wash the radish and cut off with a sharp knife with her upper part.
  2. Make a peculiar cup from the root. To do this, remove the flesh, but do not throw away.
  3. The flesh of radish is crushed on a shallow grater. Add honey to it.
  4. Mix the mixed mixture of honey and radish pulp into the deepening of the vegetable and send to the dark place to appease for a day.

How to cook green radish from cough with honey?

Green radish is also effectively fighting coughing. Take 3 small root roots.


  1. Rinse the radish under running water.
  2. Cut from root crusher.
  3. Stoditis peeled vegetable peel on fine grater.
  4. Take the gauze and press the juice from the grazing vegetable in a bowl.
  5. Add honey to the resulting juice and mix. On the glass of juice take 2 tbsp. Spoons of honey.
  6. Insist no less than six hours. Use for the night on the tablespoon.

Do not abuse with a natural product. Under the overdose, intoxication of the body can occur. Radish with honey is contraindicated to people who have problems with stomach, kidneys, cardiovascular system. Before the treatment of a child radish with honey, get a pediatrician consultation.

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Olya 02/25/2019 at 8:34

I did not help the radish with honey from cough, unfortunately (((I took a bronchobos capsules to himself, here the cough really quickly passed, there was less coughing for 2 day. I also have a warm drink, I have tea with honey and lemon.

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