Milk is the most effective means to treat cough. It reduces irritation, dilutes the sputum and contributes to its light allocation. This is due to the content of elements in it, which have a musolitic effect. Useful is considered both a cow and goat milk in combination with:
- Fig. The fruits of wood are considered a natural medicine, so used in recipes during colds. Figs with milk reduces heat, relieves inflammation, positively affects bronchi and trachea. For the preparation of "cough medicine" it is necessary: \u200b\u200btake 2 black or dark purple fruit, wash them and combine with a glass of milk. All this is to slaughter for one minute.
- Honey. This recipe is the most popular in the people. You need to drink it all day and before bedtime. Thanks to this, the patient will sleep peacefully. In such a solution, you can add a pinch of soda or cinnamon, oil or cocoa butter, garlic.
- Propolis. This product is a panacea, because its components have antibacterial, antimicrobial, as well as anti-inflammatory effect. It perfectly helps with a bearing cough. With extreme caution to treat the means you need small children. To do this, add a few drops of propolis in the third piece of milk and have a drink before bedtime.
- Banana. This fruit removes unpleasant symptoms of colds and coughing attacks. For cooking, you will need a crushed ripe banana and 3 spoons of cocoa. All this is mixed and pour hot milk, and you can also add honey. The resulting mixture is taken before bedtime.
Black radish
Black radish has therapeutic properties that absolutely everyone knows about. The essential oil has bactericidal properties. Lysozyme facilitates the process of expectoration, contributing to the sputum of sputum. Therapeutic recipes for producing juice from radish, which can be combined with sugar and take on a tablespoon five times a day:
- Cut the bottom of radish and remove some pulp. In the resulting deepening, put so much honey so that the place remains to release the radish juice.
- Take seven roots and cut into slices. After the radish is sprinkled with sugar, juice will be highlighted. Take every hour on a tablespoon.
White and green radish. These varieties are softer and not so bitter from cough.
If a sharp respiratory period occurs with an increased temperature, then the compresses cannot be done. Since with thermal procedures, the process of inflammation is activated. After facilitating the state or weakly current ARVI, the use of compresses will speed up recovery. Principle of operation: The impact of heat is expanding the vessels, and activates blood circulation. Warming compresses refer to thermal procedures. The compress is three layers:
- march, moistened in the medical agent;
- insulating layer excluding the flow;
- insulated layer.
The compress is superimposed on the chest and spin for heating the skin and nearby fabrics. The action of the compress is to release agents to combat the virus, increasing immunity. The most popular compresses from:
- Potatoes. This is a simple and effective type of compress. For cooking you need to boil potatoes in the "uniform" and put it in polyethylene. There is a bit of vegetable oil and crush the vegetable.
- Honey. This therapeutic remedy is smeared on the skin, shelted with parchment.
- Domexide This tool has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Dimexide penetrates through the skin to the inflamed place. This drug is used exclusively externally. To do this, it needs to be divorced in proportion of 1 to 3 and slightly warm. Imprease with gauze with liquid and attach it to the chest area. The action of the compress is 40 minutes.
- Vodka. Before compressing from vodka, you need to lubricate the skin with cream. Vodka can be replaced with diluted alcohols in a 1 to 1 ratio.
- Salt compress. Preparation process: 90 g salts and liter of water. Folded twice the towel is wetting 2 in the solution and apply overnight. The product acts as an absorbent, drawing viruses and microbes.
The procedure contributes to the wet wet, facilitating its output. Thanks to this, the patient can sleep well. For these purposes, nebulizers can be used, various inhalers. The selected pairs with the drug compound is evenly distributed over the mucous membrane. Replace modern appliances can be ordinary enamel pan or kettle. The procedure lasts 10 minutes and turns in case of discomfort. Consider some methods of treatment:
- to dissolve 2 spoons of honey to the floor of a water liter with a water bath;
- smash boiled potatoes and sprinkle with soda;
- hiding a crude potatoes with ethyl alcohol;
- raw sage infusion and add a couple of eucalyptus oil drops.
At the end of the inhalation, you need to lie down and sleep. Healing steam contributes to the conversion of dry cough shape into productive.
In the treatment of cough, it is necessary to use the means of traditional medicine, combine with inhalations and compresses. If after three days of bed regime does not occur, it will be necessary to assist the doctor.
Thanks for the tips on the treatment. From my own experience, I will advise you to drink warm drinks at this moment. And from the drugs, which is well helped by this bronchobos, I personally really liked, because it treats cough and runny nose.