Many know about the healing properties of the podmor. Folk healers consider this product with almost panacea from all diseases. Submor - these are dead bees, which for various reasons could not survive the winter. Their quality and beneficial properties depend on whether the hive remained clean throughout the cold season.
Useful properties of the submora
If you want, there are no tablets in your first aid kit for many years, and visiting the doctor to reduce only for preventive purposes, then read the healing properties of the subluorce:
- normalizes blood pressure (both high and low);
- improves blood quality;
- helps to fight oncology and development of cancer cells;
- heals wounds and ulcers on the skin;
- helps to fight insomnia;
- improves appetite;
- reduces the number of nerve stresses;
- treats skin diseases and various types of rash;
- improves vessel condition;
- prevents the development of thrombosis, varicose veins;
- promotes healthy weight loss;
- treats kidney disease;
- helps to overcome gynecological problems (including infertility);
- establishes the work of the digestive system;
- strengthens immunity, minimizes Orvi disease;
- improves skin condition, fighting facial wrinkles;
- heals the ulcer of the stomach, colitis, pancreatitis;
- is an excellent addition to the treatment of bronchial asthma and pneumonia;
- heal tuberculosis of different forms;
- improve vision (judging by numerous reviews, helps to cure glaucoma);
- forever wins chronic renit;
- is an excellent means in the fight against an angina;
- improves sexual attraction;
- heals impotence;
- it will help to eliminate the problem of seasonal hair loss (also well proven itself as an excellent means in fighting baldness);
- improves mood and improves performance.
- displays slags and toxins;
- will help to overcome female breast diseases;
- reduces cholesterol levels to a permissible norm;
- helps to get rid of cellulite;
- the external use of the submorm has an anesthetic effect during arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, as well as with intervertebral hernias;
- excellent means for gout;
- nervous disorders will cure, will help to overcome depression.
Recipes of preparation of submoral
For curing or removing the symptom of the disease, it is necessary to prepare submorship according to different recipes. It can be alcohol tincture, ointment, fried submor, decoction, etc.
- 1 recipe. Alcohol tincture can be used both for outdoor and internal use. It helps with cardiovascular diseases. With the help of a coffee grinder to chop submorship to powder condition (2 tbsp.), Pour 500 ml of alcohol (40%) or vodka. Store the tincture is necessary in a bottle of dark glass with a tightly closed lid. Capacity put instead ofwhere there is no direct sunlight. Insist for 2 weeks, periodically submorcipat;
- 2 recipe. To strengthen immunity and overcome colds, they advise to apply a decoction from the subluoron, which is preparing very quickly. Boil water, pour 2 tbsp. l. Podluor and cool to room temperature;
- 3 recipe. Fried submore also possesses healing properties, it is possible to prepare it in a frying pan with a non-stick coating. It is necessary to warm up a frying pan, pour out 4 tbsp. l. Podluor and fry no more than 5 minutes. Fried Submors are used on a teaspoon and die with milk.
- 4 recipe. This recipe helps to quickly overcome the extra weight and derive harmful toxins from the body. Grind submor blendra, warm up the oven to 180 degrees, put the bastard on the baking sheet and drown it for 15 minutes.
- 5 recipe. You can prepare a healing ointment from a submorm, which will help to overcome joint pain, reduce wrinkles, as well as different kinds of skin diseases. Grind submorshess to powder condition, connect with vaseline (100 g). The resulting mixture is stored in a glass jar.
You should not use subormity as a fixed assessment for the treatment of various kinds of disease. Also do not forget about the development of an allergic reaction. Before use, you must consult with your doctor.