How to make dope oil?

How to make dope oil?

Dill is a plant that is used in many branches of our life, starting with cooking, ending with folk medicine. It became known about his properties to humanity for a long time, and therefore, there is nothing surprising that many want to know whether it is possible to make dope oil at home. Let's deal today how to make oil from dill with your own hands without help.

Properties of dill

Before entering into the manufacture of the oil under consideration, it is necessary to know with all the most easier properties of the dill and its impact on the body.

Today we will talk not about the mass, which is obtained from dill by distillation by its essential oil, namely, the extract of the oil of this plant. The main properties are:

  • Accepted as an antiseptic agent that can be perfectly defraged, as well as healing various types of cuts, wounds and other external defects of the skin.
  • It can cope easily with various skin diseases, including various types of herpes.
  • Many take such oil as a prophylactic agent against virus type infections. If in the cold time it is a mucous membrane in the cold, then the risk of getting sick in the near future is significantly reduced.

  • But this does not mean at all that it can only be used for external use, if suddenly the constipation has happened or take spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, the oil of dill is an excellent tool will get rid of the problems under consideration.
  • If your head fell ill, it is only worth making a massage with the medium under consideration, and you will forget about migraine for a long time.
  • Often, the drug under consideration is used in aromatherapy, this oil eliminates a person from headaches, feelings of anxiety and frequent attacks of aggression.

Among other things, dill oil can be taken even a young mother who feed the breasts of their kids, because the means under consideration provokes strengthening the lactation process.

Prepare dill oil with your own hands

It is clear that to obtain high-quality dill oil, we need the seeds of this green plant. It is possible to get them on the market, in a pharmacy (this is a great remedy against the bloating of little children) or to collect from the garden (season for collecting - the end of summer, the beginning of autumn). In principle, the seed collection time depends on the variety of dill and time when he was planted.

To prepare the oil of dill, you will need to do the following processes:

  • First of all, you need to dry the seeds of dill. Make it necessary in obligatory. It's not enough that you just collected them from the bed and brought home. It is necessary to decompose them on paper (you can use the usual newspaper for these purposes) with a thin layer and put under direct sunlight for a while, several days will be enough.

  • After they are completely dry, send them to the coffee grinder. If there is no one, you can use the blender for the purposes under consideration. In the benefits of folk medicine, the crowd of dill seeds must be manually in mandatory.
  • Now the seeds are crushed to powder it is necessary to pour vegetable oil oil (or olive or sunflower oil). In this case, the proportions must be observed exactly here they are 1: 1.
  • The ingredients need to be mixed in a glass container, mix well and in such a form to leave for about days.

It is necessary to store this mixture at room temperature, it does not have it in the cold, but it is worth finding such a place where the sun will not shine.

Application of dill oil

As you could understand the information youd. Prepare such oil for everyone, who at hand the desired ingredients and a glass jar will be at hand. There is nothing complicated in this process. If you do not want to spend money on the purchase of dill seeds, do not be lazy and collect at the end of summer in the country or other land where it grows. If you do not have your own garden, ask for permission from some neighbor to collect seeds.

It should also be noted that the oil under consideration is an excellent means of problems with the gastrointestinal tract during the post. The fact is that every organism reacts in different ways to the transition to plant food, so some problems with the stomach, pancreas may occur. So, regular use of dill oil will help to cope with the problems under consideration, and will also help your body in operational mode to adapt to a new form of food.

For those who do not know, the collection of dill seeds is as follows:

  • First you need to find a plantation where dill will grow.
  • Finding overwhelmed plants, because it is on them that you can detect the seeds that we need for the preparation of dill oil.
  • Immediately, we note that no other elements and parts of the dope can be suitable for achieving the purpose under consideration, that is, obtaining dill oil. The erroneous view is that from the stalks of this plant, too, you can also get a discussed means.
  • Now take some container or cellophane sewing package, and pick up a container for collecting a lush plant with a plant on which seeds are located.
  • Carefully shake the existing seeds from the head and go to the next plant.

There is nothing difficult in the bore of such seeds, if you have, where to collect them, and it is very simple to prepare them, so you have no problems with this process.

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