Probably, it's no secret that sea buckthorn oil is a very useful product that is advised to have always at hand. Let's find out today how it is preparing at home.
Proven recipes
Today, on the expanses of the Internet space, you can find a huge number of the most diverse recipes for the preparation of the oil under consideration, but it is best to choose proven recipes that many use. In folk medicine, this oil has long been in demand, so there is a reason to prepare it at home.
It should be noted that the oil under consideration is panacea from different diseases, so it is very useful to have a stock of this medicinal oil at home. Let's consider the simplest recipes for the preparation of the product under consideration.
As it became clear from the name, the oil is prepared from the cake. The final product is obtained high quality, while nothing complicated in its cooking. So, in stages:
- The berry collected from the branches (or purchased in the outlet) is necessary necessarily well wash under running water. You should not leave it in the water to cripple, because the berries can take water, and we do not need it.
- Now it is necessary to make a berry mass through the juicer (this is the equipment is optimal for the purpose under consideration). For our oil in this case, it will not be necessary for squeezed juice, it is better to drink it in a fresh form, it will be very useful, so it should not pour it.
- The ice-left cake juice should be flooded with vegetable origin. The calculation of the ingredients in this case is due to one glass of the cake takes 160-170 ml of vegetable oil.
- Now in this form, we leave the oil cake flooded for a couple of days. This time of insteading is necessary in order for the cake to give oil all the beneficial substances that are in it.
- At the end of the above period, straighten the oil.
- We recycle on the juicer of the berries again, and fill the resulting cake obtained for the first time, and the juice, again, we use immediately and inward. It turns out that our vegetable oil will ultimately receive a double portion of all prisoners that are in the cake.
Such oil is no less useful than the oil, which is obtained by selecting from the berries themselves.
Good recipe
Now let's figure out with another simple recipe for sea buckthorn oil:
- Carefully and carefully move each berry, after which we rinse them under running water.
- Now it will be necessary for washed berries to dry in the oven (and it does not matter whether it is electric, or gas). In this case, we do not dry, but dried slightly. In this process, the most important thing is that the berries remain entirely and not burnt.
- After the berries got out of the oven, you need to keep them cool, and as soon as they acquire the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere, you can pour them into a coffee grinder and thoroughly crushed. It is possible to do this in several occurrences, depending on what volume is your coffee grinder and the number of buckthorn berries.
- I pour out the flour, which turned out when grinding the berries in deep dishes, and fill there a slightly heated oil of plant origin (it is ideal for refined). The amount of oil should be so to cover the chopped sea buckthorn completely.
- The mixture will need to mix well, clean the dishes with the lid, after which it is left in such a state for 6-7 days. None in the refrigerator, nor in a warm place to put this mixture.
After a week of rest, it will be necessary to strain the oil and back to the dark place, and when you notice that the oil has become completely transparent, and on the bottom there was a prominent sediment - the oil is ready for use, but only after you break it into a friend Leaving in the same precipitate. In the product prepared, the product is in pure form contains sea buckthorn oil in percentage equal to 15.
Cake and bones - sea buckthorn oil
To prepare the product under consideration, we will need 4-5 glasses of berries (they must be compulsory fresh) and 500 ml of olive oil (you can use the usual refined):
- You need to notify that in this case, the oil of this type can be prepared from frozen berries, so you can even get cooking in winter.
- We move the berries so that there is no damaged, after that, mine them, and dried.
- After the work done, you will need to send dried berries in the freezer, days so five days. After that, they have to be deficient, and gradually, and for this, from the freezer, they must immediately mark them in the refrigerator and only after that it is possible to get it possible at room temperature.
- Throw the berries into the juicer and carefully grind them. Juice leave in the refrigerator, there it will not disappear, and the cake is a product that we need for further "manufacturing" the oil we need.
- We have to dry the cake and bones, after which, weching all this on the coffee grinder.
- Now it is necessary to pour into vegetable oil chopped mass and mix it thoroughly.
- The next step is to boil the resulting mixture on a water bath at least 2.5 hours.
- Now we leave the oil for a few more days, after which it can be used for its purposes.
Everything is simple and useful.