How to remove gulls at home

How to remove gulls at home

Ghirovik is a rigorous cyst that develops under the skin. Such education arise due to blockage of the row with a protein called keratin. Sometimes these atters have a caustic smell, since it contains a yellow transparent oily liquid. They appear in any part of the human body, with the exception of the soles of the legs and palms. Zheniki is not malignant formations. They arise as a result of inflating the hair follicle. Instead of removing the operational by Atherom, we advise you to try some effective home remedies.

The tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that are useful in treating various problems, such as angry rash, headache, cough and warts. This tool is also indispensable for wen. For their treatment, apply the tea tree oil directly to the hearth. It will work as a protective layer of cysts, and kill infecting bacteria. Oil will reduce the recurrences of the disease.

Aloe Vera is also a natural tool to combat atheroma. It possesses painkillers and therapeutic properties. Use Aloe Vera gel directly to the atheroma. To remove disease from the body regularly drink aloe vera juice.

Castor oil has an effective effect in the treatment of wen. It not only removes inflammation of cysts, but also reduces itching. Hopefully clean tissue into the oil, place it right on the infected cyst, cover the bag with hot water from above and leave for half an hour. The combination of water and castor oil helps well to remove wiring on face or back.

Apple vinegar is a useful tool for the treatment of skin disease. In order to remove the pus from the inflamed cyst, apply vinegar to the fat and cover it with a piece of fabric or bandage. After 3 or 4 days, remove the bandage. Clean the pus and make a new dressing on the atherom. After 2-3 days, remove the bandage.

Hot compress is useful in many diseases, including atheroms. If you want to remove the scents, apply the hot compress method. Heat will extend the pump or thick fluid from education. Make sure you use the compress compress for fats.

Potassium Yodid. One of the simple methods of treating ather is the use of potassium iodide. Apply a small amount of money for fat 2-3 times a day.


Clay tablets. Atheroma, acne and other problems arise due to improper digestion. In order to clean the digestive system from impurities, clay pills should be taken. After a few days, the cyst decrease and gradually disappear.

The bee pollen acts as a natural blood purifier and effective against skin problems, such as acne, seweic cysts, etc. For warring healing, use pollen, which consists of propolis, pollen and uterine milk. You can consume bee pollen in tablets.

Colloidal silver actually consists of 99% pure silver. The solution helps in stimulating lymphottock and stop infection. Colloidal silver is also used to enhance the immune system.

Antifungal creams work perfectly with severe painful cysts. In order to cure atherom, apply antifungal cream on an infected area and cover with a clean cloth.

Knowing how to remove gulls on the back or face, you can quickly and effectively fight skin disease.

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