Berries viburnum become especially tasty when they grab the first small frosts. The tartness and severe bitterness are replaced by tenderness and sweetness. Red berries can hang on the bushes all winter and do not lose their taste or bright aroma. Closer to the spring, the berries lose their juiciness and very much darkened. If you want to stock up the useful product for the whole winter, do not forget to bring in the fall in the fall to collect vintage viburnum in the forest or on your homestead.
Useful properties of viburnum
Kalina was treated by different aids our grandmothers. Unlikely, they knew exactly which utility are in this plant, and relied on their intuition and rich life experience. Modern studies have shown that Kalina is an indispensable health care store.
- In Kalina, there is a huge amount of vitamin C. In addition to it, vitamins of group R, K, E, and A.
- From trace elements you can note the presence of potassium, iron, manganese, iodine, calcium, copper, strontium, magnesium, phosphorus.
- By the number of tubyl substances and pectin with viburnum, no other useful plant will be compared.
- And the berries are rich in sugar, organic acids, phytoncides, amino acids, essential oils.
In traditional medicine, not only berries, but also flowers, bark, and the leaves of this unique plant are used.
At what pathological conditions of the body helps Kalina
Very many diseases can be successfully treated by Kalina.
- Angina, tonsilitis, bronchitis.
- Reduced intestinal motorcycles, constipation, dysbacteriosis.
- Anemia, weak walls of blood vessels, blocking their cholesterol plaques.
- High pressure reduced tone heart muscle.
- Stones in bile, cholecystitis, pancreatitis.
- Reduced acidity of the stomach, ulcers and stomach erosion.
- Bulk on body, purulent acne and trophic ulcers.
- Paradontosis gums.
- Painful menstruation and fibroma uterus.
- Depression and oppressed psychological state.
In what form to use Kalina?
Infusion of dried colors.Two spoons of colors makewill in a semi-lifted thermos and cozy the throat during voice sympathy. Do it after each meal.
Fresh berries juice.Berries frone with a spoon and squeeze juice from them through a couple of gauze layers. Red thick liquid lubricate several times a day chiriki and boils on the skin.
Decoction from the bark of viburnum
- Dry bark in the amount of 50 grams. Boil in one glass of water for 15 minutes. Next, give fluids completely cool and strain it. Water in the brave a small piece of the rolling and apply compresses on bleeding gums.
- 100 grams of bark brew in one liter of water. Cool this tea and take the tool three times a day if you have very abundant menstruation.
Baths made of viburnum branches.Large bucket fill the viburnum and float their boiling water. After one hour, the resulting liquid pour into a bath with warm water. Take water procedures a couple of times a week if there are any rashes or peelings on the body.
Fresh berries tea.In the usual brewing kettle make a handful of fresh viburnum. After improving the beverage within 30 minutes, take it at:
- colds - add a bit of honey to drink;
- fatigue and depression - when brewing, add a little dried leaves of viburnum into tea;
- high pressure - Drink this tea without honey and sugar three times a day at a quarter of a standard cup;
- the reduced acidity of the stomach and weak heart - the tea slightly dilute with boiled water.
Syrup from viburnum.Litter jar fill with sulende berries and add 1 cup of sugar sand to them. Bank put in a warm place for two weeks. Shake the container every day. Take syrup on the bottom at the bottom of one tablespoon three times a day with angina, anemia, elevated cholesterol.
Cashier from berries
Fresh berries with a bone frowze in a mortar. Apply this tool once a day for trophic ulcers on the legs. In the treatment of ulcerative colitis or stomach ulcers, take Cashitz on 1 tablespoon twice a day.
Fresh berries
- Several times a day I eat a couple of viburnum berries if you have stones in the bustle bubble, pancreas or too thick bile inflated.
- Also, such a reception mode helps with the fibroid of the uterus, but the berries must be taken at least six months.
- Immediately after meals, eat a few berries of Kalina and you have to get the work of the digestive tract.
- The handful of berries eaten by an empty stomach will increase the body's resistance to various seasonal diseases.
Dried berry powder.Berries dry and with bones grind in a coffee grinder. Brew the dry powder in hot water (2 tbsp. L and 1 glass of water) and take this tool at night with persistent diarrhea.
Contraindications for reception viburnum
No matter how much helpful for the body of Kalina, contraindications for its reception is also there. It:
- Low pressure. Kalina is able to reduce even more and a person can lose consciousness.
- Gout. In berries a lot of acid, which adversely acts on the sore joints.
- Increased acidity of the stomach. Kalina juice can provoke the appearance of ulcerative disease.
- Pregnancy. The woman's body at this time is very sensitive and the skin rashes usually react to Kalin.
In the fall, when Kalina is already matured, stock it for the whole year. To do this, collect bugs from the wrelks of viburnum and freeze them in the freezer. At the same time, the oldest branches that are going to cut out of the bushes, remove the bark and keep it too. And in the spring, do not forget to press the flowers and leaves.