From heartburn - what helps?

From heartburn - what helps?

Heartburn is a fairly common disease of the gastrointestinal tract. It is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the stomach and esophagus, which are described as a small burning or sadness. If heartburn bothers you very often, then this is an occasion to go to the doctor of the gastroenterologist - perhaps erosion or even an ulcer has already developed in your stomach. But if heartburn does not bother often, then it can be defeated by folk and pharmacy means.

What is heartburn from?

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach and esophagus occur when bile gets into them. Ideally, bile should enter the duodenum located below the stomach. But for various reasons, bile can be thrown directly into the stomach, where it irritates the surface of the stomach and from this a person feels unpleasant sensations. Also, the acidity of the gastric juice can lead to heartburn. Gastric juice in its composition has hydrochloric acid, which irritates the mucous membrane. Let's repeat again:

With frequent stubborn attacks, heartburn can not be engaged in self -medication. Only a doctor can determine the cause and prescribe adequate treatment

Folk remedies for heartburn

If heartburn rarely torments you, then take the following folk remedies.

  • Cabbage, or rather its freshly squeezed juice. It has a lot of methiosulfonium chloride. It perfectly heals all inflammatory manifestations inside the stomach and lowers the acidity of the juice. When treating juice, take three tablespoons 15 minutes before meals. Cabbage juice cannot be taken with nausea of \u200b\u200bany etiology and with inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Potato juice. Squeeze it only from the potatoes that was recently soaked or lay on storage for no more than 2-3 months. Potatoes that lies in the basement all winter can no longer be used. To eliminate heartburn, grate 2-3 large potatoes and squeeze the mass through gauze. Drink 1 cup of juice and lie calmly for at least 30 minutes. Potato juice is prohibited by the patient who suffer from diabetes mellitus or they have the acidity of gastric juice very low.
  • A decoction of rice. Boil a tablespoon of round rice in one glass of water - it is more viscous and a decoction of it is more healing. In no case do not salt the water. Discard the rice on a strainer and collect a thick decoction in a bowl. Drink it a third of a glass before each meal. A decoction of rice should not be taken by people with obesity and those who have frequent constipation.
  • Pea flour. You can make it yourself, grinding dry peas in a coffee grinder and then sifting through a frequent sieve. With heartburn, put a teaspoon of this flour in your mouth and slowly dissolve it. Pea flour is strictly prohibited for use in kidneys and gall bladder.
  • Paired goat milk. Drink it half a glass before each meal. Goat milk can cause a strong decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, so that with such problems it must be taken very carefully. Also, milk cannot be drunk if the human body negatively tolerates milk lactose, i.e. When using milk, violations in the digestive tract (diarrhea or constipation) occur.
  • Catceline nuclei oil. A fairly effective remedy that take twice a day one coffee spoon. Drink oil before breakfast and lunch, and in the evening pass the reception so as not to load the liver. The oil gently envelops the gastric mucosa and relieves all inflammatory processes. Contraindications to the intake of cedar oil: allergic reactions to aromatic oils.
  • Fried buckwheat powder. In a dry pan, fry the cereal until brown and cool it. Next, put buckwheat in a coffee grinder and grind very hard. Take the powder on the tip of the knife at the moment you feel an unpleasant burning sensation in the stomach or esophagus.
  • Soda. A fairly common, but at the same time unsafe products from heartburn. It is used only in cases when there was nothing else on hand. Soda at the same time that it removes the manifestations of heartburn, at the same time violates the integrity of the mucous membrane of the stomach. Take soda like this: dilute half a teaspoon in a glass of warm water and drink from a glass at a time not more than a third of the liquid.

Herbal decoctions from heartburn

Herbal infusions also help to remove heartburn, but you will have to drink them at least 5-7 days. It is best to combine these liquid drugs with the drugs that the doctor will write out.

  • Chamomile. Take 3 tablespoons of dry pharmacy chamomile and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Put the container with chamomile in a water bath and languish the product over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Next, let the infusion cool, and then strain through gauze. Drink this tool during the day instead of tea, but pre -heating it a little.
  • Chamomile, plantain, St. John's wort. Buy all these herbs in the pharmacy and mix them in such a proportion (1 part - chamomile, 2 parts - plantain, 2 parts - St. John's wort). Measure 2 tablespoons of the mixture and put it in a liter thermos. Add boiling water to the thermos to the very edge and let the infusion brew for 8 hours. Straged infusion take one large spoon 10 minutes before each meal.
  • Fenhel, dill, anise. Mix the seeds of these spicy plants in equal proportions. Then take a tablespoon of this mixture and brew in a teapot, as you cook ordinary tea. Hot water will need 200 ml. Cover the teapot with a warm cloth and leave for insisting for 8-10 hours. You can drink no more than one glass of this product per day, but divide it into several tricks. Drink fragrant tea before meals.

Pharmaceuticals for heartburn

If you do not want to do healing infusions, grind powders or squeeze out healthy juices yourself, then buy a product for heartburn in a pharmacy. Today there are a lot of them. This is: Renny, Gaviska, Maalox, Gastal and other similar medicines. Take all the drugs strictly following the instructions on the package.

Mineral alkaline water also removes heartburn - it is sold both in pharmacies and in large supermarkets. Its best species are Borjomi, Polyana Kvasov, Narzan, Essentuki No. 4. Before taking water, do not forget to release gas out of it. To do this, pour water into the glass and stir it with a spoon. Drink water not cold, but at room temperature.

Comments leave a comment
Yana 25/11/2021 at 16:19

Headsogoff always works well in his sparkling tablets. He also has the main plus that gives a less annoying effect on the stomach compared to tablets, and the quality is still excellent, many advise. You make yourself a drink, it turns out delicious by the way, and the problem is solved.


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