Sage for stopping lactation how to take

Sage for stopping lactation how to take

Maternal milk is the best nutrition for an infant. But the time came when you need to teach the baby from the chest. Effective means for stopping lactation - sage. But it needs to be taken correctly to not harm himself. Sage will help you in a short time to reduce the release of milk from the chest and completely stop the lactation.

We accept infusion and decoction of sage for stopping lactation

Buy in a pharmacy dry sage in crushed form or collect and dry the grass yourself. Prepare from her infusion:

  • one or two tablespoons of grass pour 0.5 l of steep boiling water in the thermos;
  • give infusion in the thermos at least one hour;
  • strain through the gauze or the curtain in the jar after cooling.

Now you can safely take the infusion of Sage for ¼ cup four times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Cooking the beam:

  • pour a glass of water into an enameled peer or dishes from the heat station. Aluminum saucepan do not use;
  • put in the water 1 tbsp. Spoon of crushed sage;
  • put the hanging on the grass on the stove and boil the boil on the low heat for 10 minutes. Sometimes stirring;
  • give the brave half an hour, and when it will cool - strain.

The decoction is ready to eat. Drink it 4 times a day on the tablespoon. In the decoction, the concentration of phytohormones is greater than in the infusion, so there is less dosage. The result will see in 5-7 days. It is worth noting that sage - the plant is bitter. Therefore, you can add some sugar or honey to drink from Sage before use.

We accept tea from Sage to stop lactation

It is best not to brew the grass and use a pharmacy bags with sage. It is more convenient and less time consuming. The effect of the use will not as fast, but you can stop lactation and a half to two weeks. The cooking process of tea and its use:

  • one tea bag with sage pour 250 g of boiling water;
  • wait 5 minutes and the vehicle is ready;
  • bag removed and discarded. Every time you need to brew a new one;
  • divide the batch of tea into 3 parts and drink during the day before eating. Morning brew a new bag.

We accept sage to stop lactation - sage oil

Sage oil to prevent inflammation of the mammary glands and lactation stops. It is used externally as a compress. Can moisten the gauze in the oily liquid, attach to the breast and hold for one hour. Do this procedure every day until cessation of lactation. The milk will stop quickly - within 3-5 days. You can prepare the mixture to compress:

  • take the necessary ingredients: 25 g of olive oil or vegetable oil, 2 drops of oil of sage and cypress, 3 drops of geranium oil and mint;
  • gently mix all ingredients in a bowl;
  • wet mixed gauze or a bandage, folded in several layers;
  • apply a gauze bandage daily morning and evening on the chest and hold for one hour.

It can be taken sage oil into 1 times a day 5 drops on an empty stomach. Drip oil on a piece of refined sugar, put sugar under the tongue and it is resorbed.

We accept sage to stop lactation - tips

Listen to useful advice before taking sage:

  • before taking sage in any way express milk from the breast;
  • drink per day more than 2 cups of infusion of sage;
  • note that salvia can cause allergies. Start taking it with small doses;
  • do not take Salvia long, more than two weeks. He has a negative impact on the gastric mucosa. If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract - abstain from eating grass;
  • epilepsy, pregnancy, acute renal disease, and high blood pressure - contraindications to the use of sage in any form. In this case, fit mint broth. It differs calming effect and is able to moderately suppress lactation. Peppermint infusion cold drink is not greater than 0.5 liters per day.

Sage compared to drugs, overwhelming lactation, is safe for a woman. It will help to stop the production of breast milk without stress and other harm to health. Infusion or decoction fill the body with the necessary liquid, and the sage oil will quickly help get rid of lactation. But everything must be a measure.

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