How to make a compress on the ear?

How to make a compress on the ear?

Almost all people know that there is an ear pain. It is very difficult tolerated, because the analgesics act weakly. You can remove ear pain with warming up. This is carried out by applying a dressing with a certain substance in the ear.

A variety of compresses

  • Dry compress is a wool or salt bandage. The last component must be warm up and wrapped into the fabric. Then applied to the patient.
  • The warming compress is a wet material that is covered with cellophane and the next layer is cotton. Suitable when inflammation, has an anesthetic effect.
  • Oil and alcohol compress. They differ exposure time. The bandage with alcohol is more practical and comfortable, because alcohol does not spread. But oil compress keeps warm much longer.

Compress: how to do?

Make a compress is quite simple. Consider the most popular appearance is a alcohol compress. Required ingredients:

  • Gauze fabric.
  • Special paper, polyethylene.
  • Wool.
  • The climbing lock is a bandage, a wool handkerchief, or a brazer; Alcohol, water.

Instructions for imposing bandages in the ear:

  1. Collapse gauze so that it is like an ear.
  2. Make a hole in the product, through which a patient's ear could pass.
  3. Slightly soak the bandage with alcohol, pre-diluted.
  4. Place the resulting product for your ear, pressing it to the skin.
  5. Eliminate the likelihood of skin burns, if you pre-assimilate a bold cream near the ear.
  6. The bandage must fit well to the skin.
  7. Make the same hole in polyethylene.
  8. Marley should be placed around the ear.
  9. Then impose a lot of wool and strengthen with a shock.
  10. Exposure time is a maximum of 4 hours.

Compress for children

Children are most susceptible to ear diseases. This is explained by a short and wide pass. Very often, the usual runny nose will develop in otitis due to infection in the ear. Also another cause of pain in the ear is tooth with caries and all sorts of nasopharynx diseases. With such pains, the kid becomes a capricious and irritable, and when the kids pressed on the ears - immediately crying. In order not to start the process of inflammation before the doctor's arrival should be made compress.

Remember that at high temperatures the compress can not be done!.

The imposition of the dressing allows you to cope with pain, activates blood supply at the place of inflammation. Thanks to this, you can speed up recovery. Compress Recommendations:

  • Pre-clean the outdoor part of the ear with a tampon.
  • You can not touch the passage of the ear so as not to push the sulfur even deeper, because it can harm.
  • Treat the skin near the problem zone with cream to eliminate irritation.
  • The percentage of alcohol is a maximum of 20-25, water vodka in proportion 1 to 1. To pre-heat the alcohol.
  • The quality of the bandage is dependent on the thick layer thickness.
  • The duration of exposure to the means is 4 hours.
  • After carrying out the manipulations, treat the skin with cotton, which is moistened with warm water.

Advantages of treatment with compresses

  • The efficiency of the vodka dressing is quite high. In this case, all ingredients are available, which is very important. In addition, the process overlapping is simple and convenient. Warming compress has a long action. Thanks to the warming of the body and close contact, the bandage has a healing and prophylactic effect.
  • A ear bandage can be not only with alcohol, but with oil. In this case, the exposure time increases. The most popular substance for compresses is camphor oil. It is characterized by a large list of healing characteristics.
  • Vodka compress is the most priority view of the bandage among the people. This is explained by the fact that the alcohol destroys microbes. This substance helps to fight with a variety of diseases using outdoor and internal use. With the inflammation of the ear, alcohol has not only anesthetic, but also therapeutic effects.
  • The bandages using herbs, mint juice and honey are also enough effective, so you need to choose the one that suits you most.
  • Compress with boric acid. Removes the process of inflammation and pain. To do this, it is necessary to impregnate with gauze by boric acid and glycerol. Collapse it and insert in the ear.

Cases where a vodka compress contraindicated

The bandage can not be imposed if:

  • high body temperature;
  • the presence of pus in the ear;
  • damage to the skin in problem areas where you plan to put a compress;
  • aged less than 4 years.

If the patient has no contraindications, you can safely treat ear.

Wrap - this is the correct and proven method of treatment for ear diseases. This method was popular many centuries ago and has retained its relevance to our times.

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