Compress is a healing bandage consisting of many layers. Its use can cause irritation on the skin, so it is recommended to lubricate with vaseline or cream
Cooling compress
The scope of this type of compress is huge, it includes fractures, stretching, bruises, pain of different nature, increased pressure. He narrows the vessels, relieves pain, as a result of a decrease in nerve sensitivity. This type of compress benefits during the first days. The cooking process: bandage moisten in cold water, and if it is ice, then put it in the package. Then apply compress for a short period. If the patient has the process of inflammation and elevated temperature, then such procedures are not recommended.
Hot compress
Used in cases:
- chills, it is applied under the knee
- angina - on the left hand
- migraine
- colik
- pain in the lower limbs
It removes the spasms of organs and blood vessels, activates blood circulation and metabolism. To begin, it is necessary to minimize the bandage in several layers, mix it in heated water up to 70 degrees, and then applied to the patient zone and top to cover with a glued to maintain heat. When cooled, wet the gauze again. If the body temperature is increased, on the skin there are uluses, high pressure or injury, then the compresses cannot be made.
Warming compress
This type of compress will help in the case of inflammation of the mammary glands, radiculitis, rheumatism, arthrosis, the injuries of the joints, the pathology of the respiratory organs or ear. For such compresses, the following substances are used:
- fat
- domexide
- alcohol
- water
- It is better for the procedure to choose a natural fabric, folded in many layers. Press the gauze and put it on the body.
- The compress paper is placed on top, the next layer is wool for insulation. All this needs to be fixed by the bandage.
- After the completion of the procedure, you must not go to the cold. The compresses need to add a liquid medicine, including such plants like chamomile, cleanliness, juniper.
- Compress paper will be superfluous in the case of the presence of ulcers and wounds, which Do not heal for a long time. Not recommended for bleeding, fresh injuries, skin diseases.
Compress on alcohol
Used with throat diseases, ear, back. The instruction is the same as in a warming type of compress, the only one, water to replace the diluted alcohol. To obtain an alcohol solution, one part of the alcohol and 3 parts of the water will be needed. When you design, you need to trace so that the paper covers all the fabric, and the insulation has covered the paper. After all, otherwise, alcohol evaporates and there will be no effect. Menthol alcohol is suitable in case of angina. compress put on a heart.
Turkish compress
Used with bronchitis and pneumonia. To begin with, heat the skin with the height of the heating. Take turpentine and wet your cotton in it. Attach it to the site, then put special paper, insulation and secure the bandage. The degree of disease affects the duration of the procedure. With a deterioration of the state, the compress is not recommended.
Fat compress
Bringing the effect in diseases of the joints, respiratory organs, spine. For cooking you need to impregnate with gauze with fat, put on the problem zone. On top to place your cotton, then the film and be bandaged. Fat for the compress it is necessary to choose natural, for example, bearish and badger. We can also use vegetable oil, pre-irradiated with ultraviolet. Put compress for 2 hours.
Mustard compress
It has an irritant action. Moisten gauze with essential mustard oil or infusion. To prepare the infusion you will need a tablespoons of dry mustard and floor liter of water, heated to 70, and the same amount of cold water. Filter the mixture through gauze. If it is a alcohol solution of mustard oil, then it is set for 5 minutes.
The above compresses are most often used in the treatment of diseases. But this is not the main method of treatment, but only the addition to the reception of the main drugs. Before applying the compress, consult with a specialist, because he knows about the benefits of a particular type of compress for a particular disease.