Than to remove the tumor

Than to remove the tumor

Soft fabrics with bruises swell and hurt. In order to effectively remove the tumor, you will need an appeal to the hospital. But if you do not have time, then you can use the following recommendations.


If there is no time, money and desire for a visit to the doctor, then you need to use special ointments, gels, creams. The most popular means for removal Tumors:

  • Rescuer. It has an antiseptic and anti -inflammatory effect. The cream will cope with edema and swelling. After the product is absorbed, it must be applied again.
  • Diclofenac. With pain and small edema, this tool can be used.
  • Indovazin. Ointment is used in case of serious damage. You need to apply a large number three times a day.
  • Troxevazin. It has a strengthening effect of joints.
  • Libertimension. Balm effectively removes the tumor.
  • Funds with Arnika. This component relieves inflammation.

Fast ways

An injury may happen with each person. For this reason, you need to know the methods by which it is possible to exclude the formation of hematomas, as well as bruises. Impurious funds will come to the rescue. These are cold, herbs, creams and even vegetables. The maximum treatment effect is achieved when performing such recommendations: you need to apply the cold immediately, and warm compresses are allowed to do after one day. Herbs based on herbs are made several times a day.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Some plants have healing abilities:

  • Grassing grass. Mark A bunch of wormwood until the juice appears and attach it to the sore spot. You can also make an ointment. To do this, connect the juice to alcohol in equal parts. Mix the resulting mixture with butter and treat the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe body.
  • Onion. Grate the onion and apply on a bruise.
  • Plantain. Mash and apply to the swollen area. You can also purchase tincture for the preparation of ointment. Connect a spoonful of purchased agent to 4 tablespoons of butter.
  • Bodyaga. Two spoons of the body and vegetable Mix oil with a spoonful of water. Mix all this well and get wet in this mixture a napkin. Attach to the tumor and wrap it with bandage.
  • yarrow. Ture the leaves and flowers of the plant, then add butter. Lubricate the tumor with a mixture throughout the day.
  • Chemeri root. Pour fresh roots with boiling water, after softening them. Use a decoction as lotions.
  • Parsley. Combine juice from parsley to butter. The resulting ointment remove the tumor.

Tumor removal in children

Small children are often exposed to various injuries. As a result of developed subcutaneous fat Fiber tumor in children develops rapidly. For this reason, you need to provide immediate assistance. First of all, you need to attach the cold in the affected area for five minutes. Apply cream Troxevazin, if he is in the first -aid kit. You can also make compresses from herbs. Using an iodine grid, you can distract the child, giving him the opportunity to draw on his own.

To fix the compress, use the bandage. It is important not to treat at home, but it is better to contact a hospital. Because even if there are no obvious symptoms, this does not exclude the likelihood of hidden injuries of organs!

Removing a tumor of the limbs

If you are swollen with a finger, then you need to substitute it under cold water. Then you can apply grated potatoes or onions, and then bandage. It is also recommended to make all kinds of lotions and compresses. If the tumor is on the wrist, then the pain will bother for several days. You can remove it with alcohol compresses for warming.

If the tumor is on the arm, then you should prepare an ointment of aloe and honey. This will return performance. With a small tumor, you can apply a cabbage sheet or plantain. Fix the damaged elbow at an angle of 90 degrees and make compresses from tea welding. Acetic lotions are also effective. To do this, dilute vinegar with water.

With bruises of the legs, complex treatment is required. The spread of the tumor occurs quickly, and heals for a long time. It is important to provide bed rest with a leg at a height. This will reduce the blood flow to the sore spot. During the first three days, heat procedures cannot be carried out.

If the tumor does not pass for a long time, then it is better to consult a doctor for an X -ray. The picture can show the degree of damage, and the specialist will prescribe treatment.

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