In Russia, there are several types of wormwood, but the very famous is the wormwood bitter (silver, pharmacy, widower grass), because it is used to treat various ailments. Very often, wormwoods are confused with the Chernobor, which looks like it outwardly, but differs in pharmacology. Let's deal with how the usual field wormwood looks.
What does the wormwood look like?
Healing is considered to be wormwood collected in May. But before going off for the useful herbs, read the memo below.
- Approaching the planned place (forest edge, roadblock, dacha inlet), look for low bugs with silver-green rims, similar to six-legged palms. The leaflets have a tart aroma, and taste is bitter. The stem branched, has the color of the leaves, to the touch - soft.
- In June, the plant blooms, and it is easier to determine it, because the yellow round flowers of the Pharmacy are reminded by a mimosa twig.
- The bushes of widow grass reach a height of up to 1.5 meters, and in gripping (along with the process) - up to two or three. If all of the listed features are present at the specified instance - it is bitterly wormwood.
What is the wormwood?
Halfweight ordinary (Chernobybal) - High grass with a cone-shaped top. Plant flowers are used to eliminate fleas and ticks in domestic pets, in humans - worms. In the villages still knit from stems of brooms and hang in economic buildings to scare mice, rats, lasoms.
- The main stem of the Chernobyl Mine has a dark purple color, reaching the autumn to black.
- Openwork leaflets dark green, with a balsamic smell.
- The perennial blooms in August, forming unintended tanks covered with whitish flowers with raspberry tips.
Now you know what the wormwood looks like, and you can easily find it among the forest dispersion, prepare a healing drug and keep health for many years.