How to cure scoliosis

How to cure scoliosis

Scoliosis, in addition to congenital reasons, arises due to the atrophing of the muscles of the back due to the absence of physical exertion, a sedentary lifestyle. Osteoporosis, injuries, temporary paralysis, pleurisy, tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, emotional decline, metabolic disorder can also provoke its development. Without proper treatment, the disease can lead to rather severe consequences, in particular, heart failure, impaired respiratory functions, osteochondrosis.

It is not worth an airplane to do, it can only aggravate the problem. Of course, it is necessary to independently do therapeutic gymnastics, and daily, but to entrust the development of the exercise complex is better than a doctor. If only because the disease has several types and degrees of deformation, it is necessary to take into account the age, the overall health of the patient. Surgical intervention is required quite rarely, with a rapidly progressive, which cause the threat of life scoliosis. The overwhelming majority are prescribed physiotherapy, leaf. You can resort to manual therapy.


The doctor will advise the most suitable physiotherapy method in your case. It can be electrophoresis or phonophoresis, mud, laser therapy, paraffin and magnetotherapy, electromyability, UHF. Combine the selected method with therapeutic gym. It is better to fulfill them first in group classes under the guidance of the instructor, and then at home. Just avoid the use of burdens in the form of a bar and girome. Better gradually increase the number of exercises or approaches. If it is possible, purchase a bike exercise or a rowing simulator, skis. Do not throw classes even when improving, since the result must still be fixed. Start doing yoga.


Very useful when deforming the spine massage. It is advisable to go through two or three courses for the year. Sign up into the pool, swimming well strengthens the back muscles, develops intervertebral cartilage and ligaments. No less effective and therapeutic riding, if you are not afraid of horses. Purchase an orthopedic corset or belt if necessary, they will help significantly reduce the load and pressure on the vertebrae. Sleep on your stomach or back, and if you know that you will turn over on the side, put a small pillow between the knees. Buy as an orthopedic mattress. To relieve pain, such a recipe is suitable: Sleep a little dough from rye flour on a turpidar, make a cake and attach to the patient. Or such: Clean raw potatoes on the grater, add about the same amount of the root of the shine, mix, lay out the mass on the gauze, wrap and hold on the sore place until burning.


An important role in the fight against this disease plays proper nutrition. Animal Fats Replace vegetable, eat more products containing protein. Turn on in the diet peanuts, peas, cottage cheese, cheese, beans, caviar, turkey meat and rabbit, fish (sweat, pink salmon, tuna, salmon). Eat various porridge, especially useful, pearl, buckwheat, barley, and pasta. They contain the necessary trace elements - copper, magnesium, iron, boron. Use dried fruits, sea buckthorn, sorrel, spinach - they are rich in vitamin E, and he participates in the formation of bone fabric. Useful for scaliosis of eggs, butter, sour cream, citrus, honeysuckle, kiwi, strawberries, rosehip, eat them too. Limit the consumption of coffee, black tea, salt.


With the slightest suspicions of the spinal curvature, especially in a child, contact a specialist - orthopedic or vertebrol. In case of confirmation of concerns, this will significantly increase the chances of full recovery and will reduce the treatment and rehabilitation time.

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