After removing the tooth, the gums hurts - what to do?

After removing the tooth, the gums hurts - what to do?

Dentists are a terrible word for many, but, in fact, it is not necessary to fear them, but problems with teeth. Dentists need to love, because they help get rid of these problems. Sometimes it happens that after the patient breaks out the tooth, the pain in the gums will be visited, and sometimes it seems that such pain can be crazy. Let's find out today what to do when the gums begin to "whine", we also find out for what reason these painful sensations may appear, and how soon this pain will pass.

Holy Desna

Often, patients who at the reception at the dentist "outstretched" the tooth begin to complain that after this procedure, the gums are very worried about, and there are no very pleasant feelings to last for no one hour, their duration can even make a few days. In fact, pain after the tooth was removed from the gums, is a common phenomenon and is not considered something out of a series of outgoing.

Such a course of events The natural reaction of the human body into a wound caused by the process under consideration. Among other things, pain can be felt in the gum due to the fact that inflammation occurs in the oral cavity, and the pain is the normal outcome of this process.

If we talk about statistical data, here the picture is quite realistic and understandable - the probability of the appearance of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity of patients who have lost one or more teeth, is small and is only 5% out of 100, if the case concerns the teeth of wisdom, then the percentage of a bit Above, namely - 30%.

When the doctor removes the tooth (any), he must inform the patient about some points, one of which is that after removal, the hole is mandatory for a short time after the procedure, it should be filled with a blood clock and the more it will be, the better.

Terms of painful sensations after the procedure

This period depends directly from two factors:

  • How much injured the gums (how hard tooth sat in his place)
  • Is inflammation in this place

The gums and teeth in the oral cavity may be sick after the procedure under consideration for one, maximum, two days. The degree of pain gradually decreases after time expiration. The patient must remember that pain during the pair, and sometimes, three days after the removal procedure is normal and should not fall into a panic if the dates do not exceed the above mentioned.

It happens that the bone tissue that is adjacent to the teuba during the procedure of its pulling from the oral cavity is damaged and then the pain can be more intense and disturb longer than the specified timing. It happens more often when the tooth is hard to pull out of the wells (the doctor has to use the bormer or cut the flesh). Often, intense pain in the patient's oral cavity after the procedure produced is a doctor's error.

What to do and how to help yourself?

The patient must remember that after the tooth is removed from his oral cavity, he must feel the maximum of three days, and every day it should become less noticeable and decline. If immediately after removal appeared swelling, it was nothing, but every hour he should come to merge, and not the opposite.

Do not postpone the campaign to the dentist if:

  • you feel pain with every day increases, it becomes more and more pronounced
  • tongue grip sharp edges tooth or bone
  • when eating warm or cold, you are bothering the strong pain and numbness of the whole jaw
  • feel in the root of an unpleasant flavor of a pus or a pronounced unpleasant smell, which was not previously

It should be understood that when a strong pain occurs for a long time, only a dentist or surgeon can help with solving this problem.

So let's figure it out with ways to deal with pain after the tooth has been removed from your oral cavity:

  • At least a couple of hours do not stand after the tooth was given from the cavity of the mouth
  • It is not necessary to abuse in the near future too tight food, which can damage the bloody clock and bring harm. Salt and sharp products are also enemies to you during the first few days after removing the tooth.
  • Three days after the procedure under consideration, you will have to rinse the oral cavity. Moreover, quite carefully with salt with salt. In a glass of water (preferably warm) pour a bit of salt (the teaspoon will be enough) and mix well - the solid for rinsing is ready.
  • They hurt the teeth after the procedure done - the nimille drink, which can be purchased in any pharmacy.

In some cases, doctors prescribe analgesics that are able to remove the inflammatory process and take pain. In this case, it is not necessary to deal with self-treatment, and independently choose drugs for the treatment of pain in the gum, this can lead to negative consequences and exacerbate the existing position.

Remove the inflammatory process and pain after removing the tooth and the appearance of pain in the gums can be possible only for the first two days, if nothing helps, pain does not subside, but it becomes even stronger, immediately contact the doctor.

It will be useful to rinse the oral cavity chamomile beams. It has a property to reassure pain and remove the inflammatory process. You need boiling water and dry chamomile to prepare such a decoction (you can purchase this drug in any pharmacy). Sweep the tablespoon of chamomile into a cup, then it is necessary to pour chamomile with boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. Water by that time will be warm, so you do not have to teach the decoction. For ease of use, it will be necessary to strain the decoction through a sieve or gauze and rinse the mouth cavity (3 times a day, at least).

Doctors argue that a lot in the process of healing the wells, from which the tooth was removed, depends on the patient himself - he must comply with all the recommendations of the doctor. Including regular rinsing, prohibitions about food consumed etc.

Comments leave a comment
Angela 07/22/2019 at 11:42.

The tooth deleted a week ago, was on a re-examination, the doctor said everything is in order. The antibiotic took, everything is as expected. But for a couple of days, how did the gums be hurting, is it connected with each other?

To answer
faith 07/25/2019 at 14:59.

Angela, gums may be sick after removing the tooth, because the wound, inflammation. I would start gel holoval gums to handle, he relieves inflammation and pain, if it won't pass during the week, to show the doctor again. But I think that everything will be OK!

To answer
Olga Lenina 12/22/2019 at 1:44.

After removing the tooth, antibiotics are usually appointed, plus the doctor said that if they hurt, then the pain is not tolerated, but immediately take a dialorpide, it is well anesthetics and most importantly quickly. But the benefit did not have to take.

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