Cork in the ear - what to do?

Cork in the ear - what to do?

The ear sulfur is a natural substance that is allocated by special secrets located inside the oars. The ear sulfur performs the function of natural lubrication of the ears, it also becomes an obstacle for pathogens and harmful bacteria and microorganisms, not allowing them to penetrate the ear deep. But if the sulfur is formed too much and it is not deleted in a timely manner, it appears such a phenomenon as an ear sulfur plug. How to determine its presence and how to get rid of it?

Causes and symptoms of education of ear traffic jams

The main cause of the formation of ear traffic jams is usually incorrect higen ears. That is, instead of extracting sulfur outward, people are even more pushing deep into the ears and tampering that it is the cause of the problem. Also, traffic jams can be formed due to the unusual structure of ears, narrow passes or other anomalies, but this is already related to the genetics area. What else can be the reason and the reason for the appearance of sulfur jams in the ears?

  • If a person works in very wet premises, work involves finding in dusty shops, or the workflow itself causes dust formation, or a regular immersion on significant depths, then it has triggering in the ears much more often than other people.
  • The people of the age of 60+ are more likely to suffer from traffic jams in ear passages than young.
  • People suffering from skin diseases, such as eczema or dermatitis, complain about corks more often than healthy people.
  • High cholesterol can become a fundamental cause of the formation of a ear plug.
  • Silicone headphones focused inside the ear shells, as well as devices for improving and enhancing the hearing, are often provocatives for the formation of traffic jams.
  • Ears inflammation provoke traffic jams.
  • The suspension of the cork occurs as a consequence of a sharp drop of height, but these corks have an airborne nature.
  • Water falling into ears becomes the cause of water plugs.
  • Popular chopsticks for hygiene are most often caused by the ramming of the sulfur and the appearance of traffic jams.

Signs of corks in the ears:

The manifestations of the suspension in the ears are not always obvious. Therefore, it is already found already in a fairly launched state and usually after water additionally got into the ear, and provoked the growth of sulfur tube to large sizes when it has already caused discomfort and pain. How else to understand that a traffic jam has been formed in the ear?

  • A person feels mortgage in the ear.
  • The perception of sounds is distorted, the hearing threshold decreases.
  • The feeling of noise in the ears, rustling, sometimes a stall.
  • A person constantly feels that something interferes in the ear.
  • Often the cork is accompanied by painful sensations, like when otitis.
  • A person hears his own voice, as if in a pipe. This effect can be felt by closing your ears and saying something.
  • Located close to the membranestock, the plug becomes the cause of nausea, frequent urges to yawn, headaches, asymptomatic cough. In difficult situations, roscoming is possible.

How to get rid of the ailment?

What will the doctor help:

In suspected, the presence of an ear cork will be the right decision to visit Dr. Otorinoloringologist.

  • The doctor after inspection makes a decision that the problem will be solved: washing or dry by the method. Washing is used if a patient is 100% everything is in order with hearing. To begin with, the doctor prescribes a drop of droplets into ear aisles, dripping hydrogen peroxide or special drops based on it, specially created in order. To help softening sometimes hard as stone couplings. They drip them for several days. Then wash the ear with a special syringe that flushes a plug clocks.
  • The dry method is used if a person has a hearing problem, there are defects of the eardrum or cork is located too deep. To remove the tube use a special device - a probe that helps to extract the rammed sulfur.

If the plug was formed in a child, then a speech cannot be taken about independent extraction, it is fraught with the infection and the probability of injury to the baby's ear.

At home:

  • Home Sulfur Cork can be removed using special drops - Ceruchnitics. They are usually created on an oil basis and perfectly soften the plug, facilitating its outlet of the ear. The feature of the use of droplets - at first, as soon as they ran out, a sense of hearing loss may arise. But this is a temporary phenomenon, just a plug swelling and softened. After a few minutes, the feeling will disappear and the rumor will come back.
  • You can drip the almond oil in the ear in the amount of 6-8 drops. It also softens the plug and will make it easily remove it. The procedure is not fast, it is tedious to spend 3-4 days so that the plug is completely out.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. It must be buried in the ear, where there is a plug, in an amount of from 5 to 10 drops, the main thing is that the peroxide does not flow out, wait until the hiss starts, and lie down with peroxide in the ear of about 15 minutes. Hissing suggests that the plug dissolves. The procedure can be carried out several times a day, up to 5 days while the plug is completely dissolved.
  • 5 grams of soda dissolve in 250 ml of water, and using a syringe without a needle to introduce into the ear. It is necessary to enter the solution carefully, so as not to damage the membrane, to give a possibility a few minutes to be in the ear, then the patient must tilt the head to that so that it is. Conduct a procedure for several days while the plug does not follow completely.
  • Use ear candles. To put a person to the side, patients with the tears up, insert a candle in the ear, set fire to it and let it burn to a special notch, then remove the candle and remove sulfur. After the procedure in the ear insert a cotton swab.

If in the process of home to get rid of the tube improvements is not observed, and worse, along with a plug out of the ear flows into a pus, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Preventive measures

How can I prevent the adhesive form in the ears?

  • It is often not necessary to clean your ears, it is advisable to do it about 1 time in 10 days. If you are using cotton wands, then choose them better with limiters and use rotational movements to avoid the ramp of sulfur.
  • Follow the level of cholesterol in the blood regularly passing the appropriate analysis.
  • Those who work in a wet or dusty premises need to take care of protecting their ears using special headphones, a hat or other devices.
  • Those who are forced to dive or work with height drops to dive or work with special drops, which prevent traffic jams.
  • Treats to treat skin diseases.

A courier is an unpleasant phenomenon that can cause not only discomfort, but also to cause complications. At the first suspicion you need to contact the doctor.

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