If you have not encountered your ears congestion, you can assume that you are lucky. Imagine that you woke up in the morning, and one or both ears at once hear as if you were placed in an iron bucket, or as if you were in a tunnel with a strong background and echo. This is a disgusting feeling, and how to be with this phenomenon is incomprehensible. Indeed, in fact - nothing hurts, and people are used to panic only when the pain goes off scale. So how to be with the laid ears: to urgently take some action or wait for itself to pass?
The reasons for the occurrence of congestion
The causes of the congestion can be divided into two large blocks: the first is the natural manifestations of environmental pressure. It usually manifests itself when rising to a great height: going to the mountains or flight on an airplane. The second is physiological problems related to health. If in the first case, getting rid of the congestion is easier, you just need to open the mouth wider, take a sip of water or yawn to equal the pressure in the Eustachian pipe and the environment, then in the second case everything is much more complicated. What diseases can be the reason that the ear has laid?
- Problems with tonsils. Their increase affects the pressure in the Eustachian pipe, it is precisely because of this that the feeling of congestion is created, but at the same time there is no pain in the ears. In these cases, antiviral or antibacterial drugs are usually prescribed. The cardinal method of treatment is a surgical surgery to cut or remove tonsils.
- Otite of the middle ear or Eustachitis - the mucous membrane is inflamed here and it is this fact that it becomes the reason for increasing pressure in the Eustachian pipe. Usually, it is difficult to diagnose in the early stages of the manifestation of the disease, since the congestion is weak, hearing loss is minimal, and there is no pain. It is with the appearance of pain that the diagnosis is made. Treatment is also carried out using antibiotics and anti -inflammatory drugs
- Mastoiditis - inflammation of the process of the temporal lobe of the skull. Here, only an ENT can be made to the congestion and pain, while prescribing magnetic resonance imaging, there are no other methods of diagnosing this disease yet. The disease is treated only surgically. And the sooner the operation is carried out, the higher the likelihood that a person will avoid complications and will not lose hearing.
- Ear traffic jams are the safest reason that the ear does not hear or hear, as if you say in your senses. Here you can contact a doctor who will remove the cork or tell you what to do it at home.
- The head or nose injuries - the cause of the congestion may be a injury to blood vessels, or a hematoma that grows and presses the pipe on the Eustachian, causing pressure, provoking the congestion, injury of the auditory cortex and other concomitant symptoms. The diagnosis makes and reveals the true causes of the congestion of the ears in this case only a surgeon. The congestion is eliminated in case of disappearance of the causes that cause it.
- Problems with blood vessels. Ears are the focus of blood vessels, and any of their defects or deviations in their functioning can lead to the fact that periodically a person can suffer from eye congestion. Usually, in such cases, it is not possible to establish a diagnosis immediately, mainly such diagnostic measures as MRI or angiography help. Usually, treatment is not prescribed, since its results do not always bring the desired result, moreover, the benefits of inaction are sometimes higher than from intervention. Treatment is used only in cases of severe pathologies, and is usually surgical.
- Deviations in the development of the middle or inner ear, as well as the temporal lobe. The defect can only be detected when prescribing extensive diagnostics using complex techniques, such, for example, MRI. Usually, in such cases, the congestion of the ear or both ears is temporary, does not bring significant inconvenience, so the treatment is not used.
If the reasons for the congestion of the ears are not revealed and you do not know them, then independent treatment or elimination of the problem can only aggravate the situation, so you need to proceed with treatment solely after a visit to the otolorngologist and only the methods and drugs prescribed by it.
Elimination of ear congestion at home
- If the congestion was discovered after visiting the pool, bathing in the river or another pond, diving, then, most likely, water and a water cork - the cause of discomfort fell into the ear. How to get rid of unpleasant sensations? It is necessary to tilt the head to the side, precisely in the one on which the sides of the ear is laid, and wait until the water flows out. Sometimes this does not happen immediately, and you need to wait a few minutes, but usually the water is eliminated from the ears on its own and the congestion after that passes.
- Also, the congestion of the ears accompanies colds. Here you need to be more attentive. Of course, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this unpleasant symptom, but if there is no such opportunity or to make an appointment only after a few days, then in order not to aggravate the situation and not start the spread of the infection, you can pump drops of antibiotics into the ears, for example Otof or Sofradex . They will prevent inflammation of the ears and will not allow the pain to develop.
- If the congestion became the result of a runny nose and careless blowing, then it is worth driving into the nose of any vasoconstrictor drug, and the congestion will pass. But if the runny nose has become a platform for the development of otitis media and you already feel unpleasant symptoms in your ears: pain and background, then you can start dripping drops of albucid or otium.
- If you feel that your ears are not only laid, but you also hear badly, then you need to urgently consult a doctor, and before taking sodium sulfacil, it is sold in any pharmacy and is freely available, the same as a prescription drug .
- If you understand that the cause of the congestion is a sulfur plug, and there is no opportunity to go to the doctor or go to the pharmacy for a special tool for softening the ear plugs, then drop 3-5 drops of hydrogen peroxide in the ear, til up the ear and wait for the peroxide to hisses. This procedure must be carried out three times a day for 5 days. The cork will soften and come out, while the feeling of congestion will disappear.
Folk methods for eliminating the congeniality of the ear
The simplest ways are the following:
- Drink a mug of hot tea.
- Perform inclins, trying to touch the floor with your fingers.
- Make an attempt to yawn.
- Imitate swallowing.
- Lick up a sucking candy.
- Chew gum.
- With a runny nose - rinse your nose with a solution of salt (1 cup of boiled water, preferably, warm+1 teaspoon of table salt).
Salt and potato compresses
Remember that compresses can only be used if there is no pain and you are completely sure that there is no inflammatory process inside the ear.
Salt, about a handful, warm in a pan, pour it into a fabric bag, wrap it in a scarf or soft warm cloth, and attach to the laid ear until the compress cools.
With potatoes, the principle is approximately the same: the potatoes are boiled in a uniform, kneaded with a fork, wrapped in cotton fabric, then in a scarf and applied to a staged ear until the compress cools.
Plant drops based on ivy leaves
Leaves can be purchased at any pharmacy. In the amount of 1 tablespoon, they are poured with 1 glass of hot water, brought to a boil and boiled for 5 minutes, cooled, passed through the filter and instilled in the laid ear 2 drops 3 times a day. The procedures are carried out until the congestion disappears.
In the presence of this plant at home, you can use its juice to eliminate inflammatory processes, dripping in a laid ear.
It is ideal for eliminating the congestion that its tincture purchased in a pharmacy is suitable. With a warm tincture, soak a cotton swab and inserted into the ear 2 times a day.
As a result, I would like to recall that the ears are an important organ that needs to be protected as much as possible, therefore, with any deviations, even, in your opinion, the most insignificant, it is better to avoid self -medication and consult a doctor as soon as possible.