How to love yourself and improve self-esteem

How to love yourself and improve self-esteem

In the modern world, there are very few reasons to find and keep love for yourself. Constantly increasing plank achievements, the inability to sobble for more secured and successful people strongly lower self-esteem. In order not to fall into depression, do not despair and keep the vigor of the spirit. Psychologists recommend to find their strength to love themselves.


Like many psychological practices, work on raising self-esteem occurs gradually, step by step. Psychologists allocate about 19 steps towards themselves, to understanding their place in life and find self-confidence. The most important thing is self-sufficiency.

  • Self-sufficiency is the basis of everything. The cornerstone, without which personality cannot be considered healthy and harmonious. Psychologists argue that a person can be happy without the second half. Without self-sufficiency, any relationship will turn into a love dependence.
  • Therefore, before starting work on it, it is recommended to look soberly on a built relationship. If they are unhealthy, coined - they must be broken. The wrong person near will not allow his half to reach harmony with him.
  • Psychologists are also recommended to focus on finding internal reasons to love themselves. External reasons are short-lived - the figure will deteriorate, the face will be and beautiful things are extended. All the most valuable and durable is within each person.
  • The next step towards independence is a recognition that external attributes are short-lived. Things, all kinds of items, even the apartment - they do not complement the person, do not make it better or worse. For love, it does not need a specific reason, love does not need them. After taking this path to self-sufficiency will be passed.


After finding self-sufficiency, it is important to establish a dialogue with you, stop perceiving yourself for the same as an eternally mistaken novice, for which it should be ashamed. Any life experience defines a person.

  1. The most difficult thing on the way to accept yourself to recognize perfect mistakes. Self-satisfying, hate - non-discontinued satellites of refusal to accept past negative experience.
  2. Psychologists recommend to look at him from the point of view of themselves at that time. Easy to be all-knowing, looking back from the future, but for a person in the past every decision was true. Awareness that with its then experience every decision seemed to correct to alleviate the path to understanding and accepting himself.
  3. The next step is gratitude to yourself in the past, since it was his mistakes that helped find the necessary experience and knowledge.
  4. It should be said that the acceptance of herself does not mean humility with its shortcomings and lack of work, growth over themselves. The ability to learn and develop anywhere does not go away after adoption, but the "strict parent, who reported for every error disappears in the man's head. Adoption allows you to get rid of fear of failure and soberly assess your place in the world.

Love for the body

Bodiposive was shrouded in false myths about degradation and reluctance to work on themselves. In fact, psychologists recommend to adopt the ideas of bodiposive and learn how to take their body as it is.

  1. The world is filled with unattainable ideals of beauty, requiring not only to upload a lot of money for leaving money and gyms, but also carry out frankly painful operations. The bodypositive teaches soberly to assess his own body and do not chase for unattainable dreams. A low person will not be high, large-miniature, but in fact they do not need it. Just absorbed from television and from books, ideals of appeals are forced to hate them, who they are.
  2. In addition to bodiposive, psychologists recommend to adopt the principles of a healthy lifestyle. This includes a refusal of dependencies. Cigarettes, harmful food, drink - all this destroys a person from the inside. In addition, serves as cheap and quick way to get his dose of positive emotions, forcing forgotten what it means to rejoice in real.
  3. Since adoption and love do not exclude progress, the body should also develop. For this, it is recommended to sign in the hall and train at home. Training not only improve physical form, but also allow you to reset the accumulated stress and get rid of psychological fatigue.
    A beautiful and tightened body will help not only gain ease and confidence, but will also increase self-esteem, as the result of well done work.
  4. The body includes not only the physical shell, but the mind - he also needs care.
    Caring for mind lies in self-development. This is primarily recommended to abandon television garbage. The airtime is filled with politicized and simply false programs that do not give any real information. It is better to block all channels other than educational and documentary.
  5. Expansion of the horizon allows the mind not to dwell on old thoughts and ideas. Mastering the new, look at the old things under a different angle - all this allows you to go to stay forever young. In addition, the constant study of something allows to avoid many diseases of the brain associated with the loss of memory.
  6. In addition to the right job, the reason should have the right vacation. To the ability to completely free from the excitement and the Dum and just rest people go over the years, studying meditation.

The path to improving self-esteem and love to itself is complicated, but every step passed will significantly improve the quality of life.

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