What is charity?

What is charity?

If earlier the word of mercy was used quite often and at the same time was really important, today, to great regret, it is just a long-forgotten word, about the designation of which few people know, not to mention that it is inherent to someone. Let's still find out what it is for the concept and whether it is relevant today.

Modern world without mercy

Modern people are little concerned about the concept of mercy and the root of many topical problems of our society lies in this. The main goal of a modern man is the acquisition of as much as possible material goods and values, about mental well-being, in turn, is forgotten.

No one is even worried about the fact that in it the Council a little or there is no such quality as mercy. Yes, you did not seem, because it is really the quality of human nature, his soul. In our cruel world, it is very difficult for this particular characteristic, and without it there will be no normal, healthy and objective society, but, unfortunately, not everyone is given to understand this truth.

What a person needs today is money, a lot of money, power, wealth, and in fact, for the normal development of all mankind, this is not enough. To figure out what charity is, it is also necessary to analyze what is the opposite of this concept and how it is all interconnected.

Not merciful is a person who is constantly moving revenge, cruelty, insult and the desire to be better than others. These people are categorical, principled, proud, and completely implanted on the state of their soul. Probably, everyone who reads it to some extent he saw himself, and no matter how regrettable it sounds, but most people today are that.

We did not know what empathy, mutual execution and the help of neighbor, in this world everyone for himself. There is such a saying - a man man is a man, but at the grandfather itself there is no point in her, because the wolves hold on the packs and help each other, they will not leave each other in trouble and for their neighbor, life is ready to give, unlike the human race.

Fans of their cruel ideas that manifest themselves on their way to achieve the goal, cruelty, violence and indifference - who is not a merciful person.

The concept of mercy

Mercy is a kindness, compassion for the neighbor, quality based on love for everything alive and to his soul. Mercy helps to take people who can be imperfect in something, and help them without condemning them. Even if a person offends, you need to learn to forgive him, and patiently treat him, precisely in this and is mercy.

In this case, it does not matter that if you hit the cheek, you must substantily substitute the second, no, it is said that you need to be patient to everything and everyone belongs to everyone and try to understand a person and find the reason why he could do.

This concept originated in Christianity for a very long time and became one of the main qualities of believers. Mercy should be in affairs, words and actions, and only so your soul will be calm, and the world around is cleaner. Synonyms for this word are:

  • love
  • empathy
  • compassion
  • sympathy
  • tolerance
  • forgiveness
  • respect

Mercy can also be called the ability of a person to see the same situation from different sides, the desire to analyze and put itself in a place of a person.

If you are merciful to others, they will also show the best qualities in your direction, let all, but even in those who oppose this, will happen, albeit small, almost not noticeable, but changes that eventually grow in it and kill All negative and cruel. Mercy is the ability to sow the grains of good in the souls of other people and help to climb this crop.

Mercy in ordinary things

Mercy is not just a word, you can make sure of the examples of events on everyday life. Mercy is:

  • To care for an old and weak neighbor, which remained alone without being close and relatives that could worry about her.
  • Patient an animal on the street and give him your love, care and affection.
  • Take into the hospital on the own transport of a stranger, who fell into an accident or if it became bad right on the side of the road.
  • Help the old man take money on an ATM and spend it to home.
  • We give unnecessary things to church, toys and household items for those who need it.
  • Go to the orphanage and please babies with sweets and fruits, show mini-presentation, congratulate them on the new year, dressed in Santa Claus.
  • Answer a smile at rudeness and picking malicious, but lonely neighbor and bring her a hotel, wishing a good day.

It is in this that mercy is that the world is cleaned, brighter, kind. You do not need to "squeeze" good actions from yourself, you need to learn to rejoice from what you enter with mercifully, and then the opportunity will appear all around to do kindness, and people are merciful.

Do not forget that evil is returning a triple evil, and mercy will return to you with happiness. Joy and kindness. Believe in the best, try to help your neighbor, then you will be healthy in spirit.

Do not think that the evil world makes us such cruel, and dictates our own rules, only we are able to control themselves, configure something, and change for the better - remember this. It is impossible to receive one positive and joy if you emit hatred to others, and you are not trying to change.

Woom will be able to defeat only if you yourself become this good, which will radiate in the world around the world, joy and mercy.

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