What is humanity?

What is humanity?

One of the main distinguishing qualities of a person from other living organisms is the ability to exercise humanity towards the environment. This highly oral quality consists of a number of components, the level and development of which are influenced by many factors - education, level of awareness, surroundings.

Human development backgrounds

The development of humanity in the early stages of its formation contributes to the level of valuables of parents, the behavior of which has a direct impact on the establishment of a lifefriend of the child. Who, how doesn't your mother teach a tremble attitude to animals, and teach the compassion to the abandoned kitten? Doesn't Dad share an example of the manifestation of responsiveness by releasing the old woman across the street, and feeding homeless to a piece of bread?

Such moments form a positive attitude towards humanity and teach cooperation with the outside world, improving him with his own attitude and behavior. Therefore, when a person passes into an adult life, the fundamentality of its life principles on direct depends on the concepts of concepts and moral norms.

Impact of society

Mortification, a person increasingly interacts with society, based on the qualities laid down both by nature and close surroundings. But it happens that in a period of life a person is granted himself, without having an example for imitation. In such a case, the formation of its mental qualities is directly influenced by this or that environment. It may be a street, boarding school, adverse families in which parents do not participate in the formation of the inner world of the child.

Very often, such children show alienation and coldness, but this does not mean that there is no humanity. With the right approach and work with psychologists, the situation can be corrected for the better, developing such qualities as generosity, humanity, goodwill.

An equally important factor affecting the development of humanity is work on oneself. You can say a lot of loud words, think about good intentions, and write about kindness and responsiveness, but if theoretical knowledge is not confirmed by actions, they have no value for a person nor for society as a whole. In other words, actions must meet the human life plants who provide sympathy, responsiveness and willingness to help without hope for reward.

How to develop humanity

The main condition for the manifestation of humanity in all its directions is not indices. It is from this that the first steps begins on the way to change their own worldview, as a result of which changes occur in human behavior. Developing goodwill, which helps to see in the soul of every only positive parties, each of us becomes a step higher in relation to your own state.

How to do so to become tolerant and humane to people, especially those that radiate negative energy?!

Each person has many positive qualities, even in cases where it makes an exact opposite impression. Showing some patience, it is very important to help to show the best that there is in the soul of everyone, showing on its own example, which is not difficult to do good. Sincere helping and manifestation of friendliness sooner or later ice is melt indifference, because in each of us the seeds of humanity are laid. The main thing is to detect them in time and provide the necessary conditions for their development. And for this, nothing special is needed - just to be a person, to carry sincerity, spiritual warmth and actions that make the life of others better, happier, and, of course, humane.

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