What is ecstasy

What is ecstasy

Wikipedia describes ecstasy as positively painted affect, entailing the highest degree of enjoyment, delight, enthusiasm. With his occurrence, the human mind erases the boundaries between the real world and internal experiences, transferring the individual to the weightless state of complete satisfaction.

What could be ecstasy?

The Italian doctor P.Mategatz in his book "Ecstasies of man" allocated a few varieties of such a state, namely:

1. Ecstaine an affective character. This group includes:

  • sex ecstasics that arise in the copulate of a man and women;
  • altruistic ecstasy, bringing satisfaction from self-sacrifice, awareness of the need and affection: family, friendly and others;
  • religious ecstasy, reaching their epic during spiritual prayers or immersion, when the individuality merges with God or the Universe.

2. Mental ecstasy divided by:

  • creative, bringing satisfaction with your skills to speak, file yourself;
  • intellectual - Estasis of the knowledge of truth.

3. Aesthetic ecstasy represent:

  • ecstasy sensations - Euphoria Infinity, Flight Feelings;
  • visual - the pleasure of contemplating the beautiful, any action, subject or phenomenon;
  • the auditory ecstasy is a pleasure from the heard sound that plunges into the euphoria.

Physical condition at ecstasy

Physiological manifestations of ecstasy may be expressed by the following physical changes:

  • reducing the frequency of breathing;
  • slowdown or acceleration of heartbeat;
  • spectator and auditory hallucinations.

Describe the state of the ecstasy by the following steps:

  1. No thoughts and sensations.
  2. Do not perceive touch, smells, sounds.
  3. There are no memories that pop-up pictures in the head.

In such a state, yoga is immersed during meditation. It was noted that in this period they slow down the pulse and metabolism, and this allows you to be in such a state from several hours to several days, without food and water.

Ecstasy is not an orgasm

Very often, ecstasy is called orgasm, but it is incorrect. Since it is completely different concepts.
Orgasm is a strong physiological pleasure obtained due to uncontrolled reduction and voltage of certain muscles of the human body. Although the final result of the orgasm is similar to Euphoria, as it is characterized by a feeling of pleasure and complete satisfaction. Methods for achieving this state are different, and the orgasm lasts lasting seconds.

Ecstasis can not be achieved by irritation of erogenous zones, as it is a consequence of psycho-emotional perception that is not related to physical excitation.

And a few words about ecstasy

You can sum up all the above in several lines. Ecstasy is a process that occurs in the head and leads to an explosion of positive electric pulses. entitled:

  • emotions;
  • happiness;
  • bliss;
  • satisfaction.

All these sensations beat an uncontrolled fountain, leading a person to ecstasy, as the highest point of spiritual pleasure.

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