What is tripophobia

What is tripophobia

Tripophobia is one of the strangest phobias - groundless fear of a large cluster of holes, holes, holes. It is believed that tripophobia common form of a mental disorder, from which 99% of people suffer. We will understand in the nature of this fear and ways to get rid of it.

Tripophobia - fear of holes

Phobia of this type causes many disputes and discussions. Some scientists consider tripophobic by a type of fear and belong to diseases. Others are not confident - it is nothing more than a disgust associated with extremely unpleasant emotions arising from the form: cluster holes in the crumbs of bread, holes in porous chocolate, wells in a basket of sunflower after collecting seeds, lotus seeds, pores on the skin, etc. .

Symptoms pointing to tripophobia

Tripophobia - special phobia, scientific material about the disease can not be found in the medical literature, and the diagnosis will not be considered official. Psychological disorder is not recognized by the International Association of Doctors and is not sufficiently studied and studied. Symptoms of tripophobia are similar to other phobias:

  • student pulse and heartbeat
  • dizziness and nausea
  • chills and shivering, goosebumps and itching on the skin
  • increasing, obsessive fear, anxiety

Ordinary lotus seeds or openwork holes with frying pancakes can cause inexplicable fear, disgust and panic state. People with a pronounced phobia worries the question: "What's there inside the holes?"

How to get rid of tripophobia

You can free yourself from this phobia using special exposure therapy. There are two types of combating unmanaged fears - shaped therapy and experiment on a live person.

  • Imaginal ET helps with a pronounced phobia, requiring the intervention of psychotherapists or psychiatrists. The patient must plunge into an imaginary situation with which fear is associated. The deeper the phobia, the more people suffering from fear require help from.
  • An experiment on a live person (Vivo et) is the treatment of phobias with the help of the same phobia, such a method in the people call "Wedge-Wedge". If a person is afraid of cluster holes, demonstrate to him photos or offer direct contact with fear objects. Fully get rid of the phobia will not work, but it is possible to push her borders

Why tripophobia occurs

Fear is one of the ancient instincts, it works independently of our will. Scientists believe that phobias have been formed in childhood, due to the inability to explain or understand this or that phenomenon. Over the years, fears pass or remain with us for life. Scientists engaged in the flu vice and holes believe that such structures are seriously perceived by the brain, it is difficult to be processed and uncomfortable for viewing. They cause an emotional response associated with fear.

Tripophobia does not give a person to adequately respond to the surrounding items and phenomena, which prevents normally to live and make the right decisions. You can get rid of tripophobia with an effort of one's own will or passing the treatment with a psychiatrist and visiting hypnosis sessions.


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