What does the name Alexander mean?

What does the name Alexander mean?

By choosing the name of the child, it is worth paying attention to its origins and meaning. Alexander is one of the most popular male names in the Russian-speaking population. It came to us from the Greek language, and analogues of this name is now found in many European languages. In this article you will learn more about the meaning of the name Alexander.

What does the name Alexander mean?

Translated from the Greek name Alexander literally means "defender of the people." According to other sources, it can also mean "husband", "man", "Guardian". No wonder the name of Alexander has become almost a classic name for a man, widespread in all languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

For some parents the popular names are not of particular interest - they want to come up with the most unusual baby name. However, if you tend to choose a name for its meaning, the name Alexander is definitely worth considering.

Character named Alexander

Alexander has a real male character. It combines prudence with determination and independence - from sociability. Nevertheless, there are also negative character traits, for example, it is believed that Alexander may be quick-tempered and conflicts tend to seek power and are not able to admit their mistakes. However, these shortcomings are compensated by positive qualities:

  • persistence in achieving goals
  • independence and decisiveness
  • sociability and talent to understand people
  • faithfulness in love
  • generosity, magnanimity and ability to show emotions
  • leadership qualities and the ability to convince

Alexander's character is very harmonious. This whole person: Alexander will never contradict themselves and the logic of his actions are always understandable and predictable. Sometimes, Alexander can not be too satisfied with their own achievements: it is considered that the owners of the name are not able to live in the moment and enjoy what they have - they always look towards the future. However, if Alexander is a business like and a suitable companion, his life was going happily.

Profession for Alexander

According to the value of the name and character traits that are attributed to this name, often can be identified and suitable for human occupation. Alexander has a lot of talent: a combination of determination, self-reliance and leadership skills allow him to succeed in his career. For Alexander can best approach the following professions:

  • director of company
  • diplomat
  • advocate
  • businessman

Whatever profession nor Alexander has chosen, he will make every effort to become the best in the business. The ability to achieve goals, the desire for power and public recognition allow Alexander to quickly move up the career ladder.

Love and compatibility for Alexander

It is believed that Alexander was perfectly able to communicate with women: he knows how to make compliments and courtesies have his beloved. However, Alexander can be stingy on emotion and it can be difficult to open up and let the unfamiliar person in your life. That is why the relationship with Alexander developing quite slowly. If he chose you, in the future we will try to surround with care and be faithful in love.

Despite its assertive and independent character, Alexander prefers the same strong and independent women. He can build a strong and happy relationship with Anna, Valentina, Daria, Elizabeth, Mary, Tamara and Natalie.

Alexander - a common name, which combines the best male qualities. To the stronger sex is difficult to find a more harmonious name. Many well-known personalities were named Alexander, for example, the commander Alexander the Great, Prince Alexander Nevsky, Alexander Twardowski poet and physicist Alexander Popov.

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