How to part with a guy

How to part with a guy

It is always not easy to part. Especially if the person was dear, and you sincerely do not want to hurt him. However, if such a moment came, it means there is no way out and it remains only to make every effort to reduce losses to a minimum.

There are several well-known recommendations how to part should not be if you respect your ex-boyfriend and do not want to conceal his pride and hurt him.

How to part with a guy - what can not be done

  • It is not worth tearing relationships using a call or SMS. This will not only upset it by the fact itself, but also wounds a pride.
  • An even worst option is ignoring. There is nothing to describe here - the aforementioned still aggravate him with the hope that everything is formed and a sense of uncertainty.
  • Some recommend to force the guy to throw you yourself - this is a dubious option, because What will have to do for this will not bring anything good anyone from you.

How to part with a guy - Practical recommendations


Think carefully where you plan to talk. This should not be the place where your dates have once passed or in which way can remind the joint past. And it is really important, since the blow from the news will be felt even stronger with a sudden memory that the memories of a beautiful evening with you.

Key points of conversation

It is better to think about it in advance that you want to say to the interlocutor, how to explain your act, it is possible to even paint the plan and rehearse. However, this can all be useful, because it is likely that thoughts will fly out of your head at the most inopportune moment. We are people who are able to forget even important things at excitement. Therefore, clearly define one or two points that you definitely want to explain.


Surely questions will be sprinkled or even the requirements explain the cause. That's at what moment you really need to collect all the will in the fist.

  • If the cause "was love," but the young man in any may not understand and keeps asking about the true reason, can only be patient and continue to insist on.
  • If you actually think Man guilty does not mean that you need to talk to him about it. The above does not change anything, but he will definitely be uncomfortable. Also, it can cause negative emotions and provoke a quarrel.
  • If you began to accuse, more patience you. Do not go on about the man who wronged, because for one side of the parting - it is always an insult. Answer steady, calm voice. Put the "mask of calm." If all else fails, your best bet is to leave it alone.
  • However, as far as possible. If you are sure that the former normally perceive the real reason, of course, it is better to tell. This could save him from mistakes in the future and will make you feel better, as any false causes discomfort at the physiological level.

Stand on its

Maybe the guy will try to convince you that everything will be fine, that he changed or will change. If so you are 100% decided to leave, do not give up the slack, do not let the press on pity, because eventually all end up the same.

Do not try to stay friends

Do not offer him friendship. One can not make friends with those whom experience is not friendship.

After parting important to stop any communication. Even an innocent conversation with your hand may cause the hope that you will be together again. Try to avoid those places where it is likely to face, at least at first. To prevent any possibility of communicating his initiative, even if it seems quite "friendly". And for my own peace of mind it is not necessary to touch in mind that, from what you have already given up.

Live and enjoy life as banal as it may sound. Engage in a favorite hobby, watching funny movies, meet friends, listen to positive music. Life goes on, and soon you will find one in whom, perhaps, will no longer doubt.

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