How to play a husband for April 1

How to play a husband for April 1

The first of April is the most cheerful and at the same time an easy holiday. On the eve of the day of the fools, it is a difficult task of the selection of an interesting draw, over which it will be possible to laugh in the circle of loved ones. It is most difficult to choose a "deceiving" for your loved one so as not to offend, do not look stupid in his eyes and, at the same time, to make sincerely smile, give a piece of happiness in a series of the same gray days.

SMS-draws for her husband on April 1

The easiest way to use the old-kind method is drawing using phone messages. This kind of joke requires a minimum of the funds spent and maximum creativity. It is desirable on the eve of the holiday to stock up a new SIM card or connect the service of an uncertain mobile number for consuming action. The text of the message depends on your imagination. If nothing standing in mind does not climb, you can turn to ready-made jokes:

  • "Dear subscriber, you won a million! ...". This kind of texts, although we are familiar, but, if they commemorated them, after all, they are able to hold a skeptical person.
  • "Hello, order by number 34554 - Inflatable rubber doll - will be delivered tomorrow at 15:00 Moscow time. With respect, erotic shop. " SMS of this nature is allowed to send only if your "second half" is all right with a sense of humor. Text may vary, "ordered" items - change.
  • "Dear subscriber, the balance of your account minus 10 500 rubles ...". Such a "congratulation" clearly will not leave a single person indifferent, and most importantly - will remember for a long time.
  • "We are waiting for a serious conversation. This decision was thoughtful and weighted. And it is not known what will happen next ... ". A similar email, for sure, will cause a flurry of emotions from a loved one. It is very important to carefully consider the content of the message so as not to bring her husband to the heart attack.
  • "Ultrasound results: (Attach the photo of the ultrasound girl in early pregnancy)." This version of the draw can be used as a surprise not only for your beloved, but also for parents. Shock and lightweight laughter - guaranteed.
  • "Good day. The request does not go away anywhere, caused by the plumber will arrive within an hour ... "A good version of the firstaaprel joke, which" raises to the ears "of the addressee.

And this is not the limit. Sms jokes - not read, you can always come up with something new, based on the nature of your loved one. After all, only when a person is thoroughly studied and revealed all its weaknesses, the draw is a good, cheerful and unforgettable.

Propellegian jokes for her husband

Of course, you can prepare and arrange a full-fledged draw in your beloved husband for the first of April. Moreover, the options for such fun - a lot:

  • Fooling in the bathroom will help "hang out" a native person in the morning. It should only be pre-changed the marks on the taps with hot and cold water, and the joke is ready.
  • In order to face the response of a beloved to the draw, you only need to replace the toothpaste. Gently cutting the tube, you should fill it with mayonnaise. Guaranteed, such a joke will not leave anyone indifferent!
  • You can remember childhood and days spent in the pioneer camp. Inspired by the memories, it is allowed to make your husband's nails and legs, while he sleeps.
  • A small deception is welcomed on the day of the fools, and for the sim false request to attribute a neighbor VcSus will become an innocent crime and considerable fun.
  • This draw is not recommended to be done with nervous. You need to come up with some reason for using a drill in the presence of a loved one, then you need to go to his back, turn on the device again and poke your finger in your back. Shock and laughter, through tears, provided!
  • You can also call your husband and a great voice to tell about the irrepanished voice. Just, panic and hurry through the whole city pay off sincere smiles.

Drawing husband for April 1 - Imagination game

In any drawing, your fantasy is important. After all, by connecting the imagination, you can invent a million different primary jokes, which will be surprised by even the "unbeliever foma". The day of fools is the only holiday, giving a lot of positive emotions and a huge number of pleasant memories. Jokes cause laughter, which, scientifically proven, proves life!

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