How to play the Man of April 1,

How to play the Man of April 1,

April 1 - the day is special, it is the World Day of laughter. It was the first day you can joke and have fun from the heart. Surely in this day need to make fun of their relatives or friends. It is known that the majority of men jokes poorly understood and often offended when she was just kidding. On April 1 can be everything, including - to play her boyfriend.

Ways to draw a lot, the main thing - do not overdo it, the guy appreciated the joke and no offense. Naturally, expect a response "shock."

In the meantime, it is early to say, let's get to the fun and learn how you can make fun of her boyfriend on April 1:

Morning breakfast. Favorite hurry to eat his portion of oatmeal in a hurry not to be late for work. You go to the kitchen, in the hands keep a pack of washing powder under the famous brand (open or open right in front of it), take a spoon and with a completely straight face start gladly tuck into "powder". The guy's a shock, it is confused. Here at this time, try not to waste time, congratulate on April 1, her boyfriend and tell him that ate not powder and infant formula, which is poured into the package in advance.

Another known method of drawing with the pregnancy test. But here it is important to know the scope of what is permitted. It would take a pregnancy test, and the red marker. Needed to finish cherished stripes so that it turned out not as real, and it was obvious that this is clearly to finish. And then with the "stone" put a face guy test and watch his reaction. Guys usually in such a case, much surprised, scared and take to finish the strip for the truth.

Funny, not funny, serious rally, the main thing to know the sense of humor the guy. Favorite went to work and after 10 minutes, send him a message: "Dear, I'm bored, come quickly, while Peter (male name) did not return to work." But when enraged favorite to open the door, it is necessary to meet with a sweet smile and congratulations from 1 April.

Arrows at all hours of the apartment you need to put at different times, but always remember what the clock shows the actual time (that then had the opportunity to translate the arrows back). Let favorite speculated that hour. Just keep an eye on their own for the time that he was not late for work and do not forget to congratulate the guy on 1 April.

April 1 - it is not only April Fool's Day, but April Fools' Day. So the guy can play another way: instead of a tube of toothpaste to put like a tube of mayonnaise. Let begin to brush your teeth, then you can remind him that today is a special day.

To this end, the draw will need a skein of bright thread and access to your favorite jacket. You need to put a coil in his pocket to thread through the fabric (very carefully so as not to be left hole) and take out a couple of centimeters of thread out. When a loved one will come to work, all colleagues will be sympathetic to rescue him from the trailer thread.

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