How to care for geranium at home

How to care for geranium at home

Botanical name Gerani - Pelargonium. Geranus, this flower began to call our grandmothers, which were decorated with luxurious blooming plants with window sills of their homes. In those long-standing times, geranium is mostly bloomed with red, crimson or white flowers. The breeders of the whole world love this flower for his unpretentiousness, therefore constantly remove new varieties of unusual colors: salmon, scarlet, purple, gentle pink and even multicolored. Despite the fact that geranium is not too demanding towards care, it is still worth paying attention. In response, it will delight you with luxurious lush clusters and almost year-round flowering.

How to care for geranium at home - choice pot

Purchased or independently grown geranium bush transplant into a pot, which is literally 2-3 cm wider than the old earthlom com. Choose a pot or ceramic, or ordinary plastic. Be sure to make sure that the holes on the bottom, through which the excess water will be flushed - geranium with strong overvailing can get sick.

When choosing a pot, give preference to one-photo and not catchy. It is in a modest pot of a blooming geranium will look more luxurious.

How to care for geranium at home - soil for geranium

The flower will grow and blossom in any light earth. Buy in the store "Soil Universal", "Soil for flowering plants" or "Gerana soil". You can do the earth yourself. To do this, mix the garden ground (2 parts), large river sand (1 part) and dry crumbly peat (part 1).

At the bottom of the pot, be sure to lay a layer in 2 cm drainage: broken bricks, fine pebbles or special store granules from burned clay. At the drainage, put a small layer of the Earth, then install Gerani's bush and put it off all the empties between the roots and walls of the pot prepared soil.

After planting a bush, water the water temperature, give the ground to settle and add soil again.

How to care for geranium at home - flower reproduction

Geranium multiplies very easily. At the beginning of autumn, an adult plant breaks green tops without buds. The leafs on the stem must be 4 or 5 pieces. Two lower leaves ottomit and plant the tops right into the ground. Follow the interstices from which the broken leafs grew up completely filled with the Earth. In one pot sitting 4-5 tops. If everything is pressed, then in the pot you have a luxurious bush of Gerani in the future. If a couple of pieces do not fit, it does not matter. Planted tops Pour and cover with a transparent can or plastic bag. Put the bank obliquely, and in the package, make a few holes - it is necessary for air access. After a couple of weeks, remove the tip - the tops probably will come in in the ground and the roots will be allowed.

If at the moment you do not have a pot and land, then bonned tops with torn downstream leaves put in a jar with water. For 2 weeks, they will empty roots and after that you can put geranium in a pot with a soil.

How to care for geranium at home - Temperature and water regime

Geranium loves light and water. But with the fact, and with another you should not overdo it. The best flower will feel on the eastern window, where it is very light, but there is no scorching sun. The best temperature for Gerani's active flowering is from 15 to 18 degrees. Watering the flower spend regularly and water room temperature. Do not allow a strong soil drying, but also do not pour the plant. When the roots can be moved and gerana can be twisted with leaves. Also, the flower should not be sprayed with water from the sprayer - the flower does not like this.

How to care for geranium at home - feeding

Any flowering plant is grateful responding to feeding - he grows strong blueries and a large number of buds are formed on them. As soon as the first small boutons appear on Gerani, they immediately buy any complex fertilizer for homemade flowering plants. Observe the indications of the number and frequency of using the approach - all this is described in the attached instruction on the use. Usually fertilizers are made once every two weeks, but only during flowering.

How to care for geranium at home - Useful tips

In early March, Gerani's pots in the garden or a balcony can be taken out. Install them in lightweight so that the sun does not burn the gentle green leaves.

In one pot, go through several plants, then the bush will look very lush and elegant.

For greater decorative, you can place in the oblong container geranium different varieties and colors - it is very unusual and beautiful.

Some mistresses complain that even with proper care, geranium does not bloom or blooms very poorly. This video will tell you how to help the flower bloom into a lush color.

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