How to post ficus

How to post ficus

Ficus is a magnificent representative of the tropical flora, not so long ago settled in our apartments. The decorative tree grows quite rapidly (up to 30m in height) and requires proper quinces. Otherwise, the top of the ficus will quickly reach the ceiling level, and the plant will become unsuitable for growing in the house.

If autumn or winter calendar, set aside the process for a more suitable time. It is much better to spend the ficus ink in the spring. In the period from March to June, the shoots are formed faster, and the wounds are healing better.

To begin with, prepare the necessary tools and materials: a sharp knife, a disinfecting solution, a soft tissue and a water container. Next, wipe the knife or the secator with a solution and run over the burner. Thus, it will be possible to kill bacteria.

If the tree is low growth, make a straight cut of the upper escape just below the level of growth point. In the case when the height is too big, you must act as follows: Determine the priority height and find a sheet or a branch below. From her and repel. Make a braid slice, the bottom of which will be on the opposite side of the kidney, and the top is over it.

Moisten a soft tissue with warm boiled water and wipe the milk juice. It is better to make such work in gloves, since the juice of the ficus is quite poisonous. The used rag must be thrown away. Keep in mind, the trunk of the cropped ficus will no longer grow. Be vigilant when choosing a height.

A month later, adopt your plant. After that, new shoots will grow more actively. Optionally, you can transplant the tree into a larger vessel. But such measures are not at all necessary.

If you have intentions to form a thick, lush crown, repeat the same procedure next year. To continue the seigns, use side branches.

Please note: timely and correct ficus cap will allow not only to keep the permissible (ceiling frames) height, but also create an unsurpassed, curly crown. Do not be lazy - Getting Started!

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