How to trim the yukka

How to trim the yukka

Yucca needs pruning, if the plant has grown too high, and the leaves are sloppyly squeezed, barrel, and also to accelerate the appearance of new branches. The process must be carried out before the start of active growth. It comes to February-March. Conducting trimming in another time is fraught with the death of a decorative plant. The operation can only be done by that yukka whose barrel has a diameter of at least 5 cm.

You will need:

- a secateur or good garden scissors;
- alcohol;
- garden var;
- activated or charcoal.

During the day to trim, it is plentiful to pour a plant with warm, tormented water. It is necessary that the entire barrel, the leaflets are impregnated with moisture, which will make it easier for cutting.

We choose the location of the cut, departing from the lower leaves by 9-12 cm. The remaining troller must have a height of 20-25 cm. If it can be re-trimmed above.

Prepare acute secateurs, scissors. Treat tools with alcohol.

Go to the immediate trimming of Yukki. We take one hand in the beam all the leaves, and the other - carefully cut the trunk. It is very important to carry out the process to the end, without lazy to the remaining part. The top holder constantly, to its full separation. If instead of scissors used the knife, then cut, without applying the power to the sawing movements.

Sprinkle space for preventing infection to sprinkle with aggregate coal. The remaining top is covered with a melted garden harr. In the future, it will be possible to plant separately.

We put a pot with yukka in a warm, not too lit place and during the week do not touch it - do not water, do not spray. After 2-3 weeks, the first kidneys will be scorn. If there are more than five more, then you need to remove them, leaving 2-3 pieces.

Yucca is an unpretentious plant, so the instruction will easily survive the trimming process with a clear observance. Giving an unusual form is also achieved by this way.


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