Why ficus drops leaves

Why ficus drops leaves

A favorable microclimate in the house depends on many factors. Houseplants create home comfort, a comfortable setting, give a special charm to the interior. For example, the ficus not only neutralizes such harmful chemical compounds such as ammonia, benzene, phenol, trichloroethylene, but still absorbs negative emotions, helps to cope with unreasonable anxiety and prosperity. This flower is considered a fertility tree and often stands in the bedrooms of steam planning pregnancy. But how can we talk about the offspring if the leaves from the ficus began to be down. The trouble can occur with any kind of plants, and the reasons for this are different.

Natural process of ficus update

Most often in apartments and offices there are rubbing ficus and ficus of Benjamin. They grow up to two meters in height, so, as they grow, their barrel rusts, and the leaves die with natural way. It should not be avoided the gradual change of the middle part of the crown occurring in the fall or in winter. The top left remains green.

Stress and decimal change for ficus leaves

If people for happiness sometimes need to change the living conditions, then for ficuses, any changes are contraindicated. Plants react sharply by transplanting, moving from one place to another, forming the crown and trimming. The transplant is not more often once every two years. Adult instance is better not to disturb at all.

Illiterate watering ficusa

If your ficus began to dump the leaves, evaluate the moisture content of the soil. The flower is disliked overly wet soil. In the wet earth the roots begin to rot, an unpleasant smell appears. The edges of the fallen leaves have a yellow-brown color. If after suspending watering the state of the plant did not improve, then it must be transplanted into another soil, pre-cutting the rotten roots. About rare watering in summer, dry and brittle sprigs twisted along the edges of the leaves.

Diseases and parasites at the ficus

Carefully examine all the leaflets to the presence of suspicious specks, pathological deformations, damage, uneven color. Insects will even see even naked eye. To combat them, spray the ficus with the drugs of chemical protection of plants. Strictly follow the instructions for the drug.

Insufficient lighting and incorrect temperature regime

Light ficus is vital, but it must be scattered sunbeams, and not straight. In winter, additional lighting will prevent. You can not keep a pot with a flower on a cold floor or a windowsill. Fikuses do not carry drafts.

Excess or deficiency of macro and microelements at the ficus

Cut down at least a month after the transplantation of the plant, but do not overdo it. The pH level of the soil should fluctuate in the range of 6.5-7.0. Leaves may fall as a result of burning roots. This happens when the soil fertilizers without its advance moisture.

If you could soon not be able to determine the reason for dropping the ficus of the leaves, and the plant became completely "lys", do not despair. If the twigs are still flexible, and juice appears on their break, do not stop attempts to save the flower. He will also please you with juicy and green foliage.

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