How to crop ficuses

How to crop ficuses

Fikuses belong to the Family Family. All representatives of this species belong to evergreen trees or shrubs with a variety of form and sheet color. They grow both on the street and at home. Plants are not speculating to the environment and do not require special care, but poorly transferring displacement.

The trimming of the ficus is necessary for the proper formation of the crown. When the upper portion of the plant is removed, side shoots are actively growing and a corrupt shape is formed. To give a room ficus, the image of a slender tree is required to fill the side leaflets, it will reach up and can achieve a two-meter height. An important requirement for rapid ficus growth is a sufficient number of direct sunlight, so the spring period is selected for trimming.

Cropping the top of the ficus is made once a year, while the trunk is pressed by the neglection. Side branches are cut off at right angles. The main thing is not to leave hemp. The trimming is carried out by a secateur with obsolete blades, which before starting work it is required to be disinfected with an alcohol-containing agent.

In place of the cut, the ficus is distinguished by milky juice, which is necessarily removed in a cloth moistened in warm water. Before trimming the plant, it is better to swim in the bathroom or just wipe the leaves from dust and dirt. Two weeks later, it should be filled with ficus with mineral fertilizers.

Also, the trimming of the ficus is carried out in cases of the appearance of painful and dry escapes. Do not forget to wash off dust and dirt from the plants and feed for the healthy growth of new leaves and branches.

The cropping process will not take much time, you can easily handle yourself at home. The juice of the plant is poorly removed, so we sings the oilcloth under the pot and put on the rubber gloves on the hands. And so that the leaves of the ficus had a beautiful and glossy glitter, it is necessary to wipe the plant from dust, and then wash the surface of the leaves with a solution of water and home mayonnaise. On a table glass of water add a teaspoon of fresh mayonnaise.

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