How to transplant Ficus

How to transplant Ficus

Fikus transplantation may be required in two cases. When the flower fell ill or he became a small old pot. In any case, the transplant must be carried out correctly.

Determination of reasons for ficus transplantation

Little pot

Before transplanting, make sure that the ficus really became closely in the pot. You can identify it visually:

  • Roots appeared on the surface of the Earth. It is usually visible immediately after irrigation, when the blurred land exposes the upper thickened roots.
  • The roots appeared in the holes for draining excess water at the bottom of the pot. You can see it, raising a pot. Sometimes, the roots grow so much that the pots are crawling outside the bottom and wrap the lower part of the walls of the pot.

Ficus fell ill

In case of disease, it becomes sluggish leaves, and the ficus does not produce new kidneys. This may happen with strong soil moisure, which causes the roots.

How to transplant Ficus in a big pot

Plant transplantation in this way:

  • Before transplanting a ficus for approximately 7 days, do not water the plant. The land in the pot will warm up well and her com will easily pull out.
  • Sharp knife or scissors cut all the roots that stick out of drainage holes. If this is not done, then the roots will cling to the pot and the fountain will not get out of the pot.
  • Let's knock on the pot of hand to the land behind the walls.
  • Put the pot on the side and ride it a little - it will also help the ground behind the walls.
  • Remove the plant from the pot together with the earthen room. Do not remove the land.
  • Coot cuts that crawled out drainage holes, sweep the integrated carbon.
  • In a new big pot, pour the drainage layer (1-2 cm). Do not forget that the new pot must be wider in diameter than old. Enough if they differ by 5-8 cm.
  • On the drain, pour a bit of ground. Install the ground with a ficus. Make sure that the root collar remained at the same level as in the old pot. If the bush had grown and he has an old container bared roots when watering, then deepen the cervix 2-3 cm.
  • Fill all ground cavities which are formed between the clod of earth and the sidewalls of the pot. Press down the ground with his hands.
  • Water the ficus, as usual. Sagging ground near the walls of the press down again and pour on top of the new dry land.

How to transplant the ficus with root rot

Remove the plant from the old pot. Very carefully remove the roots of the earth. Helping a long wooden stick. Freed from the ground roots inspect for rotting. Cut off the decayed ends. To rot does not spread further, and remove 2-3 mm of live roots. Sections treat weak solution of manganese and sprinkle wood ashes.

Proceed in the same manner as described in the previous paragraph. In the case of root rot, the pot can take the same size as the previous one, because you have removed part of the roots and a large capacity is required. Do not use an old pot, which grew sick ficus. Transplanted Ficus watered very carefully so once again not waterlogged ground.

Ficus transplant using special ground "for figs" - it is sold in any garden center.

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