How to propagate the dragera

How to propagate the dragera

Drazena is a real decoration for any interior that does not require painstaking care. This decorative palm tree is characterized by a slender barrel and a lush cap of three-color foliage. But with age, she grows up to several meters in height and begins to lose its attractiveness. At this point, a very suitable possibility for breeding drazes is provided. And this is much easier to do what it may seem.

Reproduction of drazes with the help of root

This is the easiest, although a risky way to raise a subsidiary.

  • To begin with, cut the top of the drazes. The cut must be made a very sharp knife so that the surface remains smooth. The perfect place for cut - 15 cm below from the last sheet.
  • From the resulting cutting, remove the whole foliage so that it is rather rooted.
  • At your discretion, select the soil for further rooting the stalk. It may be water with an admixture of the stimulator of the root formation (the amount is calculated according to the instructions) and charcoal. Also, such a mixture is also suitable for drazes: part of sand, part of peat and part of coal.
  • When the sprout enters the roots, transfer it into a steady substrate, designed for drazes or other species of palm trees.

In flower shops, you can purchase a special steamed soil, which is already enriched with the root system growth stimulator. It can roighten the draping immediately after cutting.

  • To root the sprout is needed in greenhouse conditions. To do this, cover the plant with a film that should be removed by 15 minutes twice a day for the inflow of fresh air.
  • Since the roots of the cutlets are poorly transferred excess moisture, watering the plant regularly, but moderately. It should also be provided with a suitable temperature mode - 21-23⁰.
  • You can speed up the growth rate of young leaflets slightly, regularly spraying the drape fertilizers for palm trees with a spray gun. Full rooting, as a rule, occurs after 2-3 months.

The place where the pruning was made, cover the film, and the dragerate itself is well water. After 2-3 weeks, young shoots will appear on the trunk.

Drazen reproduction with cuttings

After cutting, you can additionally cut part of the stem on which there are kidneys, and get a new plant.

  • The stalk of the plant is divided into segments of 10-12 cm each. The slice should take place directly at the place where the leaf is sometime.
  • One side of each stem is a bit blue, carefully cutting off the bark. Place the cuttings in a horizontal position on a steady soil. "Nude" part is deeply deepen in the soil.
  • Put the cutter with cuttings in a warm place and regularly water. After 10-12 days, the first processes will "score", and after two months, the drazes will allow a solid root system.

This method of breeding helps to save the plant if its tops died.

Reproduction of drazes by air vessels

This method allows you to get a new dragerate without prejudice to the parent plant.

  • Choose a place on the trunk, where there was a sheet once, and make a transverse shallow incision there.
  • Slisse into an incision match to prevent its overgrown.
  • Stick the place of the outbreak of peat moss and spray it with water from the spray.
  • Tightly cover the moss of the glue and from time to time moisturize it.
  • Soon, the roots will warm the roots. At this point, remove the film, and you cut the young sprout and put in a new pot.

Now you know how to multiply this houseplant without much effort and costs.

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