How to propagate geranium

How to propagate geranium

So that home Geranians glad with abundant blossom, it periodically needs to be rejuvenated, and the best way for this is a transplant. We will talk about the methods of reproduction of Gerani in this article.


How to propagate geranium with stalling

Transplanting plants with cuttings - the most efficient and easily implemented method. In this case, you can get a lot of new sprouts in this case, which will fit without problems, and bloom fast enough. The drawing also allows you to save the varietal signs of the flower.

Gerana reproduction with cuttings are carried out like this:

  • The time most suitable for this process is February a month. But sometimes the cuttings are cut and fall when geranium will flash.
  • For the procedure, a pure sharp knife is used. They cut a stalk under the sheet, leaving at least 3 healthy leafs on the top.
  • The processes lay on the towel and allow several hours to dry. The slices are then immersed in a solution of corpsy, to ensure rapid root formation or simply processed with a crowded activated carbon.
  • For rooting, the cuttings are placed in the substrate. It should be lightweight, breathable and disinfect. The substrate is prepared from the soil that the third is diluted with vermiculitis and sand. To ensure sterility, the land is watered with boiling water or heated to high temperatures with a weak manganese solution.
  • For landing, tanks are taken with a perforated bottom, pour a layer of clay and top cover it with a substrate.
  • The cuttings are bought 2 cm deep into and put in a dark place for 4 days. Then they are transferred to where enough and there is no direct sunlight. Watered with warm water shoots through the tray, trying too they do not moisturize. The water should not fall on the plants themselves. If the leaves on some of the cuttings yellowed, it is covered jar for several days.

You can germinate geranium cuttings in water. They are cut in the same manner, the lower leaf quenched, dried, and then put into a beaker or jar, where activated charcoal is poured weak solution. After 2 weeks, should grow roots. These cuttings can be planted immediately for permanent growth.

How to propagate geraniums seeds

Seed method makes it possible to obtain new varieties. Typically, the young plants to bloom in this method reproduction later than in the case of the cuttings. Planting the seeds is carried out as follows:

  • The collected granules slightly scratched with sandpaper and placed in a growth stimulator solution for 3 h.
  • To prepare them planting substrate 2 parts turf ground, 1 part of sand and 1 part peat. The mixture is disinfected, a little watered and leveled.
  • Seeds are laid on a surface with an interval of 5 cm, coated with a 5-mm substrate layer.
  • The container is covered with foil and place where heat and no light. After the appearance of rostochku capacity rearranged in a bright, cool room. The film is periodically removed, so that the plant can breathe.
  • Germinated seeds at a temperature of 20-22 ° C. They need to be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate in the pan, so that water does not get on the shoots. Stagnant water should be avoided.
  • After 2 weeks the seedlings dive for individual pots, and six weeks later transferred for permanent growth.

Sowing the seeds can be started with the month of December, as the emergence of the plants for a long time.

How to propagate geraniums root method

A large bush, which came to be in the pot, can be transplanted root method. Delenki cut at the root in such a way that each fragment had several kidney. Root before this dig, shake off his land and divided into parts. Delenki seated in small pots with a diameter of 10 cm, the soil takes a very ordinary. After transplanting the plants watered moderately.

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