How to reanimate seedlings

How to reanimate seedlings

Spring came and sort of warmer, the gardeners decided to plant seed out into the open ground and there is no hope here - freezing or wind, and it seems that the seedlings do not save after that. Let's talk today about resuscitation of seedlings in this difficult period for it.

Treatment of seedlings

It is clear that every gardener with such a problem came across the seedlings of the frozen and it seems that in addition, how to plant a new one - it is impossible to come up with anything else, so this problem is relevant, and, almost every spring. For gardeners and gardens such a situation as a "knife in the heart", but there is a way out and from this situation, let's understand this in more detail.

The first way we consider is the treatment of seedlings with such a means as "epinom":

  • In practice, it was proved that such a means is really effective. Russian scientists have developed such a composition. In order to increase the level of immunity of plants under the conditions under consideration.
  • The principle of such a means is an adaptogen and a biostimulator acts on a plant under the most extreme conditions and stressful situations. If your seedlings are sickly frozen, and you want to save it from death, which does not rarely become the outcome of the events, then this drug is exactly what you need.

The use of such a drug has a number of features that each user must know:

  • The considered tool is unsafe for the human body, so it is necessary to spray it on plants in the means of protection - gloves, masks, etc.
  • When the ampoule is empty, it is mandatory to discard it properly (as it is indicated on the package, in the instructions).
  • Store an open such agent need no more than 48 hours, and in a dark place.

Terms of use of this composition look as follows:

  • The concentration of such a solution is no longer exceeding. On five liters of conventional flowing cold water, you need only the bottom of the ampoule of the composition under consideration. When two components are connected, mix them well - the means is ready for spraying.
  • Do not forget that the cooked solution is recommended a little acidify. To do this, you can use the usual lemon acid. It will be enough to be a small chop.
  • The treatment of seedlings should be carried out at certain times of the day, namely, either in the morning (early), or after sunset. Only, in this case, you can achieve the desired results.
  • Also, this means you need to slightly moisten the soil under the plant.

Watering seedlings

No matter how strangely sounded, but in order for a slightly spaced plants to lead to normal, you just need to pour them with water. This method is effective and most cost-effective (that is, with minimal cost).

In the event that frosts were the limits of 5-6 degrees, then the seedlings are covered with a crust of ice and reanimate already no sense of particular, but if the temperature reached only three degrees, then you can pour seedlings. In this case, in this way you are trying to return the plants of their lost moisture during cooling. The renewings process is carried out as follows:

  • Prepare a couple of dozen liters of water
  • Watering is carried out exclusively until the moment when the sun goes
  • It will be necessary to pour a carefully every unit of seedlings (in order for the villages that are on the surface of the leaves of seedlings, water remained).
  • Specialists are recommended for watering after frosts to use non-flowing water, and water from a water branch created by naturally. It should be understood that water that flows from under the tap in its composition contains a number of impurities that are not at all during the resuscitation of seedlings.

Trimming seedlings

The next way to renovation of seedlings, which we will consider are pruning plants. Despite the cardinality of this method, in practice it is really effective. Experienced gardeners know that before throwing off the frozen seedlings, it is necessary to give it another last chance for survival. Since it is necessary to visually determine which of the plants will survive, the following actions need to be carried out:

  • To begin with garden scissors, we cut all the parts that died on the stalk of the plant, and it is necessary to do it up to the level of land.
  • Now you need to feed the soil in which seedlings grows. It is best to do this with cow dung or urea.
  • Take a greenhouse of the frozen seedlings, protect it from external factors and thereby grab it.
  • After all the proceeds done - just wait a few days, and you can see which plants died, and what else to survive and give a good crop.
  • Experienced gardeners advise to dig up the seedlings, trim the roots that are extinct, and put the stalk into a glass with water - quite soon the plant will let the new strong roots, and it can be planted in open soil again.

Thus, you can save your money and your strength to plant new seedlings. I don't need to immediately throw out the seedlings, let the plant and get a positive result that will definitely please you.

The methods described above are the most common, so if you decide to reanimate your seedlings - take advantage of these tips.

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