What to fertilize cucumbers?

What to fertilize cucumbers?

Cucumbers - Culture Capricional to assemble a good harvest, you need to carefully care for the plant, protect against pests, feed and water. Let's talk, as timely and correctly fertilize cucumbers to get a high harvest on your site or in a greenhouse.

Cucumbers demanding to fertile and good fertilized land

If there is a comparison of all vegetable crops in demand for lightweight, fertile soil rich in trace elements, then cucumbers can lead a list. They are naughty and grow poorly in the poor, non-fermented soil, require feeding on the continuation of the entire growing season and harvest.

Mineral and organic fertilizers are needed for growing cucumbers

Organic Fertilizers:

  • wood ash
  • mullein
  • humus
  • chicken litter
  • wood ash

Mineral fertilizers:

  • potash
  • nitrogen
  • phosphorus
  • combined

Microelements(K, Ga, Mg, B, Fe, Zn, Co, Mn, Cu), contained in fertilizers are necessary for rising cucumbers. Mineral and organic fertilizers contain a complex of vital elements in their composition. Wood ash by 50% consists of potassium, it affects the water balance of the plant, contributes to the outflow of nutrients from the leaves to the fruits. Phosphorus is contained in the superphosphate, it is necessary for the transition of plants from the vegetative stage in reproductive. Nitrogen contained in urea is vital to cucumbers for the growth and formation of vegetative mass, etc.

The root feeder is recommended early in the morning or in the evening, as well as before the rain. After making the fertilizer, the soil is necessary to pour well. It is much easier to add mineral fertilizers to a drip irrigation system. Extra-corner feeding is held in the evening in dry weather.

Cucumbers feeding in open ground

This method is suitable for those who try to use mineral fertilizers at their site, but prefers organic matter. From the autumn we cook the Earth. They dig a groove, two bayonet shovels. The top layer of the soil is put on the sides of the groove, and the second we scatter on the site. Put on the bottom of the grooves:

  • upper layer of land
  • then humus
  • pour the soil with chicken litter (0.5 liters per bucket of water) or a cow (1 l per bucket of water)
  • i smell some wood ash.

All are well mixed and above the groove with waste from the processing of grain crops or pine needles.

As soon as the Earth warms, planted germinated seeds into the soil, and cover with a film (depending on weather conditions). In the ground, a sufficient amount of nutrient elements, nevertheless, for the period of vegetation, the cucumbers need to fade by chicken litter, be sure to reuse well. If you have a manganese, then we can water the bushes once a week, the potassium permanganate solution, and before fruiting the time to climb the leaves. After the rain, be sure to wash the cucumbers' bushes with warm water from the watering can and process it three times in arc.

Feeding cucumbers in the greenhouse

In the greenhouse, it is harder to carry out the cucumbers' feeding due to the limited space, the accumulation of fertilizers in the upper layers of soil and soil salinity. Cucumbers in greenhouses should receive feeding every two weeks, it is best to use complex fertilizers (ammophos, nitroammophos). The main thing is not to overdo it.

In the closed soil, the cucumbers are planted in the form of seedlings or seeds directly into the soil. From the fall, it is necessary to prepare the Earth in the greenhouse under the cucumbers. It is very convenient to make warm beds from a cowboy with the addition of manure or use compost.

Space the seedlings that have reached 3-4 real leaves, in the holes on the bayonet shovel. The diameter of the well, somewhere 30 cm, you can make a long groove along drip irrigation. In each hole we smell:

  • two handfuls humus (if there are few organic in the soil)
  • 100 g of ash
  • 1 tsp. ammonium sulfate
  • 1 tsp. Granulated superphosphate
  • add the land that was on top
  • everyone is well mixed and planted seedlings.

Cucumbers in the greenhouse feed three times before fruiting:

  1. For the first time we process seeds by trace elements before planting in the soil. Some manufacturers sell seeds already processed, information can be found on the package. Microfertilizers can be replaced by wood ash 2 tbsp. l., divorced in 1 liter of water and infused several days. In the ash solution soaked seeds for several hours before sitting in the ground.
  2. The second time (on 3-4 leaves) feed the fermented chicken litter.
  3. For the third time, be feathering before the start of fruiting by trace elements and wood ash.

For seedlings of cucumbers, we buy a special soil, which contains the microelements necessary for seedling cucumbers, transplant to the greenhouse by 3-5 of the present sheet into the prepared ground.

Extra-corner feeding of cucumbers during flowering fruiting

Traditionally, it is customary to make fertilizers under the root of the plant - the roasting feeder, but more and more often the vegetable rods use extractive feeding on the vegetative part of vegetable culture. The leaf spraying is carried out as mineral and organic fertilizers. Preparations for shear feeding cucumbers can be bought, they increase the quality and amount of crop.

  1. The first extraordinary feeding is carried out at the beginning of flowering, for the best fruit promises.
  2. The second during the formation of the fruit.
  3. Third at the end of harvesting to extend fruiting.

Urea and superphosphate are used - complex fertilizers (40 g per 10 liters of water), as well as potassium permanganate (10 crystals per liter of water).

A faint solution of wood ash (a glass of ash on a bucket of water) is used from organic feeding. Effective fertilizer is, clumsy in water for a week, green grass in proportion 1: 1. After, "like a greencraft" imagines, take a glass of liquid and wept in a bucket with water, splashing the leaves.

Juicy, crispy, fragrant vegetable - cucumber is not only delicious and nutritious, but also a find for those who are afraid to recover - eat how much the soul is not worried about the shape! To grow a delicious vegetable, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for growth and fruiting. Do not forget the cucumbers to water, protect against pests, make the fertilizer in time, water and remove the cucumbers every day without giving them to grow out.

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